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Hi there, I just wanted to inform you that, due the gap between the value of USD and EURO, I'll probably be force to raise a bit the prices for the tiers.

Probably I will do the changes in august, and the new tier prices will be:

-10$ cumulative tier

-25$ sketch tier

-35$ ink tier

-65$ color pic tier

-85$ comic page tier

the cumulative tier will be untouched, and also if you pledge throught that, you'll get the reward with the rounded price (so for example you need just 6 months to get a color pic)

The prices will be changed AFTER the 5th of august, so it will affect the september pledge.

If you have any question, just write a message here. 

Thanks for all your support.



You actually deserve a whole lot more patrons imo. So I am actually more than happy to have a 5 dollar increase in the Sketch Patronage.