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preview for a page I'm doing to present Serqet, one of the OCs from a project my wife is working on, and wich I'm planning to do a 14 pages comic this summer (not based on this situation, wich is already concepted in a 9-10 pages comic)
I plan to finish this piece in the next days, between a work and another.
The joke should be something on the lines of:
"No matter how hard you'll try, you'll never break me!"
"but the broke her"

I am tryin' some effect with massive monster dicks this days, let me know your thoughts.
I know her boob in the bottom panel is someway weird, with the arm pressing from above like that, but I wanted to try some squished effects, and go for some aesthetics rather than anathomical correctness




looks promising :)


Really want to see this beauty get crushed and impregnated!