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hi guys, sorry to not have post something in the last 2 weeks. I had to help my wife with family business, and we had to do a more regular sleep schedule, and with the hot of this days working in the afternoon was simply devastating.

Gladly that commitment ended, so we're tryin' to recover our usual sleep schedule (working on night, sleeping on day), so see you soon with more works and streamings.

Prepare yourselves, I'm preparing a special comic for you all, and it should be ready in some day!
Have a nice summer!



Will you be posting the Null Zone .PSDs 13-16 then as well?


Good to hear it also the news about the comic.


I already attached them in the single pages. But if people will need, I'll post a pack for them too.


Hope everything went well with your family. Keeping the wife and family happy is very important. Pleased to have you back, but don't overwork yourself on our part.


I canot speak for anybody else, but personally, I'd appreciate a pack, if you could.