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ok the Wacom support answered me.

They can't be sure what the problem may be by email, so I'll have to ship my tablet to their assistance.
The estimated time for eventual repairs is a max of 3 weeks, plus the time for the shipping, and the price for the repair can go within a range of 300-1100 USD, depending on what the problem is.
Hopefully, considering how the tablet already had this kind of problem, and how it started working again on its own (in fact, the first time I thought it was a problem on my power lines, because I changed the electric socket and it started working again), it may be more on the cheaper side.
So I'll probably be unable to work on the digital works for about one month, one month and half, since I need to ship the tablet to Germany (where the Wacom assistance for Europe is) and it would require about one week to reach them.



Hm, hope the problem is what you think it is. And isn't something really expensive and problematic.


Well you can always get a new one


a new tablet would be too expensive for me for the moment to buy. Unless I stop every commission on hold for all the summer and start doing 3 or 4 doujins done in traditional and sell them. But I don't think it would be fair for all the supporters who are waiting their works. Choosing the cheaper route is the faster way I have to be back on work.


crossing fingers