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Hi there, it was a while since my last fanart.

My original idea was to publish it between the 4th and the 5th, but my work schedule and health issues prevented me from that goal.
I wanted to draw something about Phasma since quite a while now, and I'm happy with the result.
The idea for this pic is that after finding the truth about what happened to the Starkiller Base, and after Phasma tried to cover up the story with several murders, the Stormtrooper decided to take revenge on her, teaching her a lesson.

In the .rar file you'll be able to find 4 more variants for this pic, together with the .psd file:
-clean, without the foreground Stormtroopers
-wet, without the Stormtroopers
-wet, without the Stormtroopers, but with a cum-filled helmet on
-clean, with the helmet on

I was thinking about doing a joke about the Stormtroopers being unable to impregnate her because they were "missing the shots", but in the end I didn't find a cool idea to make that.
Probably I'll use that joke, in future, if I'll ever made a doujin about Phasma.
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, see you soon with more arts (next one is a furry comic page, stay tuned)



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