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 hi there.
Sadly, it looks like my pc will require some more time to be back.
The problem is that while I had the money to change the broken piece that I thought at first, it ended, as you may have read in my past journals, to be a lot higher price than we thought.
The problem was that since my pc was old (4 or 5 years now, basically it's the one I started my digital artist career with) they no longer produce that type of motherboard, and a new one requires the change of the processor and of the RAM. 
So, from 100-150 USD the price raised to 550 USD.
With such a cost, I thought about purchasing a new computer or building a custom one, but the money problem still persisted, because my only income is from Patreon and the commissions, so I couldn't provide at once so much money.
Long story short, at first it looked like one relative of mine could give me an hand, but in the end he couldn't, so I'm almost back to square one.

So, probably I'll need some more time to get a new pc. 
I am already thinking about some alternative solution to provide some of the works I have to do, like doing the inked pieces in traditional skills (the quality would be the one of the Elise Starseeker pic I posted a couple of days ago) but I'm waiting for the feedback from the user for this solution.

Meanwhile, I'm preparing a couple of things to try to collect the founds for the new pc, that you may find interesting:

-An Elise Starseeker hentai pic set (still working about a couple of pics, but it should be 7 or 8 pics, b/w) for 3 USD
-the Dragon comic I'm working on, that you already saw a couple of pages (it will be 45 pages long, plus cover and maybe a special pic) for 5,50 USD

Also, in the next days I'll reopen the commission slots for this summer, and they'll be done once I'll got a pc back.

I'm sorry to get you all wait this much for new works, stay tuned for news and thanks for your support! 



A new one/custom one would be better you know it will last longer then a fixed one and there's more recent parts for it


yeah, in fact I already started looking for the parts to build a new pc and already assembled ones. For the second option, I've already seen a couple of interesting computers, but I need the money to buy them


I opened just now the commissions slots on my deviantart. If all the slots will be get, I'll be really close to get the new pc