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hi there, today I received a phone call from the store I brought my pc to repair.

The problem was the motherboard (as we thought at first) that died.
Big problem is: my pc was kinda old, and they no longer produce those kind of motherboards. So, in order to change it, I have also to change the processor AND the RAM.
So the amount I was thinking to pay raised from 100-150 USD (average price for a new motherboard here) to 550 USD. 

Now, I'm looking for an old compatible motherboard online, but tomorrow one friend of mine should come here, to look together to eventually build a custom pc (that, said by him, should cost more or less the same, purchasing the single parts)

So, thanks for the patience, I'll try to come back online as soon as possible.

In the next days I'll open the new poll, while the list of the commissions I have to finish (and to do) gets longer.
I'm really sorry to get you all waiting this much.
I'm thinking about alternative solutions to provide you some of the works I have to do, like doing the inking with traditional skills, instead of digital.

Let me know what do you think about this eventual solution.



Every time I try to upgrade/fix my computer it ends up costing me more money and takes more parts than I thought when I started. I think it is ok to take a little more time now and do it right. I hope you can find the part/s you need.