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while I can't work on commissions because my pc is still broken, that doesn't mean I can't draw at all!

I'm preparing a comic for our game, featuring the four generals.

The generals are the right-hand men (or women, in this case XD) of the Dark Queens, one for each.
You already met Kraken from the Phoenix twins pic, and in the last pic I posted I showed you Dragon, the general of Efreet.
Now, you can see also Harpie (Ziz' general) and Sphinx (the general serving Behemoth.

The story of the comic is what happens between the three generals tired of Dragon's attitude, while they have to wait for the meetings of their queens end (you already saw a glimpse of what happens during those meetings in the pics of Leviathan and Behemoth, and I hope to be able to do Ziz and Efreet pics soon enough)

The comic will be 45 pages long, and I'll release online, for now, a digital "preview edition", with the sketched pages completed with the dialogues.
The reason of this is that I plan to print the comic, but I plan to do it with the comic full inked and colored.
Since they're a lot of pages (plus cover, illustrations and character sheets) and that right now my pc is still dead, and once I'll have it back I'll have to work on the commissions first, I don't exactly know when this comic will be ready, but I don't think it will be anytime before mid-summer, if everyting goes smooth.

Stay tuned, and see you soon!
On my facebook page you'll be able to find some other preview page!




Looking forward to it.