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Being the new guy on the Venture is hard for starters.

Everyone on the ship has already gotten used to their jobs, their surroundings and most importantly actually being in space. Nothing can prepare you for what it feels like, never feeling grass, sand or snow between your toes. Or being without feeling the suns rays or a gust of wind across your face. 

What I've found the most difficult though is being away from my family, and this has made my first Christmas on the ship difficult to come to terms with. While the ship will be putting on a few functions for the holidays, I miss my family desperately. Being able to catch up with family you don't see often, exchanging gifts, seeing how all the kids are slowly but steadily growing up. And now, all I can see of them is little disembodied faces on my Venture issued tablet, though that is at least some consolation. 

I have finished my final shift and will head to the mess hall to meet up with Tori, Cro, Jeffrey and Candice to enjoy what I can of Christmas. And I live in the hope that I'll be able to see my family in the flesh soon and give them the biggest hug imagineable. 

Christmas 2020 has been like no other, it makes you appreciate the simple things.

And hopefully we won't have to spend Christmas 2021 like this. 

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a happy new year <3




Hoping for the best.