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It's that time again guys, you can ask any of my questions anything. But if you really want a drawn response from me, please be creative with them! I'll only draw the ones that actually allow the characters personalities to shine through. 

Comment below with your questions 


Keda (bradlyaw08)

To Oazan: How did Makuna become your ambassador/right-hand man?


To Kiyah: Best ideal place to relax at? And with who? (Second half is optional!)


To Fiorella do you work in the V.I.P. Section at The Big Elephant's On Parade


To Layla, when you're not catching up with your daughters, what are your usual daily activities?


To Stanley, Do you make any of the drinks at BEOP?


To Akilo: What do you find most attractive in females?


To Oazan: What is your most prized possession?


To Captain Tulip: What do you think life on your ship would be like if Lola served on board?


To Kwakou: What are you looking for in a partner?


Candice what’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever worn for rob


I don't know if anyone has asked this yet but: Lola: how did you manage to have that castle and all your treasure, because both are huge. Kiyah: you've always been so tough and how did you get interested in wrestling?


Kiyah: Have you ever swallowed a rival BBW?


Rob, have you ever thought about settling down from your adventures? Or have you ever played with the gravity engines in the ship? Tammy, have you ever gone on a bad date? Candice, since going to the Venture as a chef, have you found yourself missing your home? Tonk, have you tried meditation? If so how did it go? Sorry for being late to the party! Tulip, given the chance, would you trade your currnent crew for another one? Jeffery, have you gotten used to, or changed your opinion, on being Oazan's pet? Or given your history with your father, do you think you could ever forgive him? Jonathan, do you fear living under your father's shadow? Isabella, it may be silly, but as a singer, do you have any hope that maybe one day, you'll see Jeffrey in the audiance? Makuta, have you had any prey that were willing? Alexia and Kassia, have any suitors tried to take you hand in marriage? Kiyah, do you have any minions that work under you, or are you a solo act? Vega, Have you ever considered passing your powers onto a successor? Is such a thing even possible? Rhonda, as a bouncer, have you enountered anyone that even you couldn't toss out? Stanley, Fiorella may be...grouchy on most days, but do you remember a day where she was more cheerful than usual? Fiorella, what do you think about the other dancers at the BEOP, do you get along with them? Tatiana, since gators are cold blooded, do you tend to stay near warm things?

Rogue Wolf

To Kwakou, what's the biggest challenge you've ever faced while roaming the watering hole?

Desmond Fallout

Hey, Rob! Does your job require regular exercise to stay healthy?


Dear Titana would you ever be a Luchadora like my character Wooly Wonder? https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22858381/


Lola: It was some Lord who'd been terrorizing the local villages, in the end he sorta lost his mind, all of his soldiers had fled and I rather liked the view it had. It didn't take much to take it from him. Kiyah: I've just always liked picking fights!


Rob: Oh yeah, that's kind of the ultimate plan. I wouldn't mind finding the right girl and just going steady. The problem is......well.....the height issue, I mean it's great for me! But not so great for them. (I'd suggest asking the second question again cos I wanna draw it but ran out of time XD) Tammy: Oh many, most of the time a guy seems ago via texts but then when the date comes all they can ask my about is....my size. Candice: Of course, my family's back there! But it was one of those things where I wanted to do something different and really go out of my comfort zone ^^ Tonk: Meditation is for the weak! I have no problem controlling my anger!...what the? AKILO DID YOU EAT MY FISH!!! Tulip: Well it's difficult to say since obviously I don't know the entire crew personally but given the Bridge Crew, I wouldn't trade them for anyone, they do a stellar job. Jeffrey: Well, the Emperor is naive and still treats me like his cute pet....but he does treat me with kindness and I have kind of grown to enjoy being with him. And my father....well, there are old wounds that I'm not sure will fully heal. Jonathan: Not as much as I used to, he pretty much started to prepare me for it as soon as I left school, it's a daunting prospect but I think I'm ready for when it comes. Isabella: Haha, wouldn't that be the rom com ending? Nah I don't think so, he's not really a fan of "pop" music. He was brought up on older music, the poor sheltered little pup.


Kwakou: It was weird, this one time this.....guy, this.....tiny, puny guy! He just shows up and all of a sudden all the girls around the watering hole go for him and not me!


Rob: Yeah, though I'm not too big on the gym, Robb's always there and he makes me feel self conscious, I think the Impera atom keeps me in shape!