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Tatiana, Kiyah, Sylvia and Talia are up next. ;)

Comment below with any questions you may have!



Carbyne Canyne

To Kiyah and Tatiana: did you ladies ever feel self-conscious about your body images?


to Kiyah & Tatiana if you were part of the avengers what superhero’s would you be and why


Sylvia: what do you like to do for fun?

Winter Phoenix

Talia are you a dare devil/ risk taker or do you prefer to watch the chaos unfold from a distances?


Tatiana, what do you think of Rob's voice when he sings? Because I've heard that it's not very good! Kiyah, what is the characteristic of Tulip that made you put so much interest in it?


Let's do this! :D Tatiana, what are some of your favorite ways to spend time with Rob, or could you tell us more about your home before the Venture? Kiyah, since you're a supervillian, do you have any special abilities, or what drove you down to path of evil? Sylvia, if you had to be locked in with one of your crewmates for a day, who would it be, or why did you join the Venture? Talia, what's it like living in an island full of mares, or what's a tool/gadget that Rob or Tulip has shown you that you can't live without now?


Kiyah: The Hulk of course cos we both kick serious ass! Tatiana: Hmm, I would say that Wanda girl, she has a really nice outfit and she's an empowering girl.


Talia: I am a bit of a daredevil, I must admit. Malina is the quiet, laid back one who is usually trying to talk me out of doing something stupid!


Tatiana: Most of the time on the ship, Rob and I tend to just talk, we would go to the cafeteria, or we might go swimming. Sometimes it's hard for me to talk to some of the girls on the ship, as we are very different in terms of our body shapes, it can come off as quite intimidating. But Rob has a relaxed outlook on life and I find it very easy to talk to him. And as for my home planet, you'll have to wait and see in the comic to find out more about it ^^ Kiyah: just sheer size and the ability to grow! And what better reason than to just cause pure havoc!! Sylvia: Hmmmm, there's that handsome zebra Brody X3