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Feel free to ask as many questions as you want and I'll draw answers that inspire me, and if not I'll just answer them X3




Malina, Do you have any other hairstyles that you enjoy wearing?


Kali do you have a boyfriend

Winter Phoenix

Hey Titan has Rob ever gotten you to cosplay as a titan from attack on titan?


Figured I should ask a question for each of them :p Kenji, how did you and Toby meet? Malina, are there any foods you dont particularly like? Titan, have you always been this big, or did something happen to make you get so huge? Kali, do you know about Jeffrey's past relationships? If so do you talk with any of the gals?


Kenji: Toby's an explorer, and had travelled from the West to see the temples scattered out around my village. He had come into my bakery regularly for supplies to take with him on his trips, and had always been very friendly towards me. Then one day there was a vicious storm, nobody was out in the open, everyone had stayed indoors. Toby had come back to the bakery for shelter and we got to know each other a bit better then. Malina: Hmmm, celery. That always leaves a bitter after taste. Titan: *roars into translator* Readout: Titan not know anything but being king! Kali: He told me about the dancing girl one night on the ship, he didn't give me much detail but I got the idea. All I'll say is his father and brother had best hope they never meet me.