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Soooo, I know I posted a few of these chapters a while ago, but I kind of got busy with other things and didn't release the rest. So, instead of just continuing from where I left off, here's the entire first arc of Corporate Mage that I wrote back in August. 

However, I'm just gonna post a viewer link to Google Docs. Don't judge me.

It's basically just a lighter TWI chapter in length. 31k words.



If anyone's curious what happened on Earth after Sloane and Gwyn left... this is it.

Let me know what you guys think!



I’m glad to see your getting up to Pirates length of chapters. Now you just have to keep the pace up.


Haaa definitely not able to do that while working the job I do. This took me about a week to write back in August.


I like this story. From the POV of an underprivileged, but talented girl from the Manabound world some decades after the emergence of Magic. The warriors all decked out in what Sloane and her cooperatives have created, but they are just barely enough to keep back the monsters that keep getting bigger and stronger and the new normal is pretty horrifying (but exciting).