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AN: Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays everyone! Enjoy this little bonus chapter.
Also, Book 1 is now up for preorder for both ebook and audiobook. The paperback will be coming soon! All three versions release on 16 Jan 24.

The book has been extensively copyedited and proofread!
Grab it at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQKHK6SR

A Perfect Winter’s Fest

Gwyn's sigh turned into a contented exhale as the soft crackle of the hearth's dying embers mixed with the rhythm of Roslyn's gentle snores. The room was bathed in a warm, flickering glow, casting dancing shadows that seemed to lull Calista into an even deeper slumber in front of the fireplace. The rug had become the dragon's claimed territory, the sable blackness of her scales glinting occasionally as the firelight touched them.

Gwyn, nestled comfortably in her bed, couldn't help but let her gaze linger on Roslyn. Her friend's face was relaxed in sleep, a faint smile curving her lips as if she were dreaming of something wonderful. Gwyn's heart swelled with an affection she didn't fully understand, the sight of Roslyn so serene and close bringing an inexplicable warmth to her chest.

Carefully, almost reverently, Gwyn reached out to gently brush away the stray lock of hair from Roslyn's face. Her touch was feather-light, yet it stirred a slight shift in her friend's expression, a brief furrow of brows as if resisting waking. But then, as if comforted by an unseen promise of safety, Roslyn's features softened once more, her smile deepening just a touch in her slumber.

Gwyn watched her for a moment longer, a fondness growing in her as she pondered over the perfect Winter's Fest gifts. What could match the preciousness of the moments they shared? What could bring that bright, joyful spark to Roslyn's eyes, the kind that made Gwyn's own day brighter?

The thought made her yawn, the day's exertions and the room's warmth conspiring to draw her eyelids down. As her own breathing began to match the steady, soothing pattern of Roslyn's, Gwyn made a silent vow to find something special, something that spoke of the deep bond they shared.

With a final glance at the peacefully sleeping figures in the room, Gwyn allowed herself to succumb to the inviting call of sleep. The world outside, with its dangers and duties, could wait. Tonight, surrounded by the quiet comfort of her most treasured companions, Gwyn embraced a peaceful rest, her last thoughts a wish for a joyous and memorable Winter's Fest for all.

✦     ✦     ✦

Gwyn blinked, her surroundings crystallizing into focus as Roslyn's figure emerged from the soft edges of her dreamlike state. The bright morning sun bathed the street in a golden hue, and Roslyn's outstretched hand beckoned her with an urgency that pierced the comfortable lull of waking.

“Gwyn! Hurry, we don't want to miss it!” Roslyn's voice was a mix of excitement and impatience, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

With a nod and a stretch, Gwyn found herself taking Roslyn's hand, feeling a rush of warmth from the simple contact. They stepped out together into the bustling streets, the air filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the distant melody of festive music. The market, specially adorned for Winter's Fest, was a vibrant tapestry of colors and scents, stalls decorated with garlands, twinkling lights, and an array of goods that made Gwyn's eyes widen in wonder.

Each step they took together was like walking through a living storybook, the atmosphere thick with the spirit of celebration. Vendors called out, showcasing handmade toys, sweets that glistened like jewels, and crafts of exquisite detail. Roslyn's laughter mingled with the festive air as they weaved through the crowd, her hand holding Gwyn's as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Gwyn couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. The weight of her responsibilities seemed to melt away, replaced by an infectious joy that bubbled up from within. She glanced at the array of stalls, her mind whirling with possibilities. Today was about finding that one special thing, a gift that would touch the heart, a token of love and appreciation that went beyond words.

They paused before a stall draped in rich, velvety cloth, its tables laden with trinkets that sparkled under the sun's gaze. Gwyn's eyes were drawn to a particular item, its craftsmanship calling out to her sense of beauty and sentiment.

Roslyn, ever attentive, followed her gaze and smiled. “That one catches your eye?”

She nodded, unable to tear her eyes away. It was perfect, absolutely perfect for—

“Gwyn, look at this!”

Her attention shifted as Roslyn guided her towards a stall adorned with an assortment of delicately woven scarves, each one a burst of colors and intricate patterns. The fabrics fluttered gently in the crisp winter air, a dance of hues and textures that captivated her. Her eyes landed on one in particular, its rich, deep colors intertwined with a shimmering thread that caught the light with every subtle movement.

Roslyn, noticing the shift in Gwyn's gaze, followed it to the scarf that had ensnared her friend's attention. Without a word, she reached out, her fingers brushing against the fabric before turning to the vendor and exchanging a few quick words. With a graceful motion, she handed a few coins to the vendor and took the scarf, turning back to Gwyn with a triumphant smile.

Before Gwyn could protest or even voice her thanks, Roslyn had already flung the scarf around her shoulders, draping it with an elegance that made Gwyn feel suddenly more regal. The fabric settled around her like a gentle embrace, the colors complementing her in ways she hadn't imagined. Roslyn stepped close, pulling on the scarf until her head leaned against Gwyn's chest for a brief moment, a soft sigh escaping her lips. “It's perfect,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

As she pulled back, Gwyn could see the sparkle in Roslyn's eyes, a mixture of joy and something deeper, more intimate. The smile on Roslyn's face was infectious, and Gwyn couldn't help but smile back, the warmth from the scarf spreading throughout her, kindling a glow in her heart.

“Thank you, Roz,” Gwyn said as she wrapped it around her neck, her voice carrying a tenderness she didn't know she was capable of. “It really is perfect.”

Roslyn's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with unspoken words and emotions. They stood there for a moment longer, basking in the simple joy of the gift and the closeness between them. Then, with a playful nudge, Roslyn gestured forward, their adventure in the market far from over as they continued their journey through the stalls, the scarf a new bond in their ever-deepening friendship.

The festive air continued to follow Gwyn and Roslyn as they meandered through the market, their laughter mingling with the music and chatter around them. With each step, they added to their collection of fabric bags, the weight of gifts and treats a pleasant reminder of the day's success. The smells of roasted nuts and spiced drinks filled the air, tempting them with each stall they passed. They couldn't resist indulging in a few snacks, sharing bites and giggles, the joy of the day evident in their bright eyes and constant smiles.

Andiamo, Roz. Time to head home,” Gwyn told her friend.

Hand in hand, they made their way back through the bustling streets, the setting sun casting a golden hue over the city. The familiar gates of the lavish estate loomed before them, a symbol of safety and warmth in the heart of the city. The guards greeted them with friendly nods and smiles, which they always did for the two young ladies. Gwyn strove to get along well with the men and women that protected her House and family, ensuring to show them the respect they had earned time and again.

As they approached the manor, the grand doors swung open, revealing the warm, inviting interior. The sight that greeted them only made Gwyn's smile grow wider. A woman, a vision of grace and beauty, stood waiting with open arms. “Gwyn! You and Roslyn are home! How are you two? Did you have fun at the market?” she called out, her voice filled with love and excitement.

“Mom! We're great!” Gwyn exclaimed, her voice bubbling with happiness. “We had a ton of fun.” She let go of Roslyn's hand and ran forward, enveloping her mother in a tight hug. The bags of gifts and snacks jostled in her arms, but she didn't care.

This moment, this reunion, was everything.

Her mother's curious gaze fell on the bags. “Oh? What do you have there?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Gwyn, ever the playful daughter, giggled and twirled away, clutching the bags to her chest. “No peeking! This is for Winter's Fest!” she declared, her laughter echoing through the grand foyer.

Her mother's laughter joined hers, a melodious sound that filled the room with warmth. Roslyn, who had followed at a more dignified pace, couldn't help but smile at the scene before her. This was what the holidays were about: joy, family, and the promise of delightful surprises.

“Your sister is sleeping, so I thought we could all relax together! Tell me about your day!” her mom asked.

Gwyn smiled. “How is she doing? I got some gifts for her too!”

A servant quickly moved over to relieve the two fifteen year olds of their bags before Gwyn hooked her arm for Roslyn to insert hers so they could follow her mom.

“Oh, she’s doing wonderful,” she replied as the three of them walked through the manor. “What did you get her?”

“Some more stuff animals! One even looks like Calista.”

Roslyn snorted from behind her. “Of course it does! The cityfolk love Calli. She’s more popular than you are, princess.”

Her eyes involuntarily rolled at that comment. Of course a frickin’ dragon is more popular.

Gwyn felt the warmth of the room envelop them as they stepped into the dining room, where laughter and the sweet aroma of tea filled the air. The table was beautifully set, and there sat Taenya and Sabina, seemingly lost in their own little world, giggling and sharing pastries. The sight brought an involuntary smile to Gwyn's face.

Roslyn gracefully unhooked her arm from Gwyn's and instead took her hand, their fingers intertwining naturally. “They look so sweet,” Roslyn commented, her gaze softening as she watched the pair at the table.

Gwyn nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of affection for the scene of her two adopted aunts before them. “They really do.” She called out to the couple, her voice teasing and light, “Hey you lovebirds! Can we join your cozy little party?”

Taenya and Sabina looked up, their faces lighting up further at the sight of Gwyn and Roslyn. “Of course!” The blonde telv’s attention turned to Gwyn’s mamma. “Sloane, you promised you'd join us for tea today!” Taenya exclaimed, her voice filled with warmth.

Sloane laughed melodiously, her eyes twinkling with mirth. “Well, I had to welcome my wonderful daughter and her inseparable best friend home, didn't I?” she replied, her tone affectionate.

Suddenly, Gwyn felt Roslyn press closer to her side, her arm slipping around Gwyn's waist. Gwyn glanced down in surprise. “R-Roz?” she stuttered, caught off guard by the sudden closeness.

Roslyn looked up at her, a mischievous glint in her amethyst eyes. “She's right, we're inseparable.” She gave Gwyn a playful nudge with her hip. “Connected at the hip even!” Roslyn's giggle was infectious, and despite her embarrassment, Gwyn couldn't help but laugh along, even as her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red.

“Not in public!” Gwyn protested weakly, trying to gently extricate herself from Roslyn's embrace. But Roslyn held on, nuzzling closer with a laugh, the joy evident in her voice.

“We’re not in public, sweetie,” Roslyn whispered, her voice low and teasing, sending a thrill through Gwyn that she didn't quite understand. “So we can be as lovey as we want.”

Gwyn's eyes widened. “Oddio! Not in front of my mamma, Roz!” she exclaimed, half-scandalized, half-amused.

Her mother chuckled, pouring herself a cup of tea with a knowing smile. “Now, now girls. Stop your flirting and come have some tea with us,” she called out, her voice laced with affection and a touch of teasing.

Gwyn opened her mouth to protest, to clarify that they were just best friends, but the words wouldn't come. She wasn't flirting, was she? No, of course not. They were just close, that's all. Very close. The bestest of friends.

This is what best friends did. They teased each other and Roslyn loved to tease her. A lot.

She really is a clingy friend.

Then, quick as a flash, Roslyn leaned in and planted a quick peck on Gwyn's cheek before skipping away to take a seat next to Sabina. Gwyn stood there, rooted to the spot, her face burning hotter than the sun. That girl! Roslyn always knew how to push her buttons, how to leave her flustered and speechless. But deep down, Gwyn couldn't deny the flutter in her chest, the way that simple gesture had made her feel.

Why does she have to be so, so… Impossible! She knows teasing me in front of mom is embarrassing.

“Come on, Gwyn. Don't just stand there gaping! Join us!” Taenya called out, her voice a mix of laughter and invitation.

With one last resigned sigh, Gwyn followed, muttering to herself about impossible best friends and their impossible antics. But as she took her seat, her mother's gentle touch on her hand and the laughter shared between them all made her realize that, maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't have it any other way.

Gwyn settled into her seat, still a little flustered but comforted by the familiar chatter and warmth of the room. The table was a small island of joy and laughter amidst the challenges and dangers that seemed to lurk at every corner of their lives. As her mother and friends continued to chat and pass around treats, Gwyn found herself watching Roslyn, who was now engaged in an animated conversation with Sabina about the best tactics for a mock battle they'd had in training.

“Tell me, girls, how has school been?” Sloane inquired, her eyes darting between the two before taking a sip of her tea.

Gwyn glanced at Roslyn, who took the lead. “It’s been quite enlightening, though I must admit, some classes are more of a challenge than a joy. Some may even say one of our instructors is a… what did you call him, Gwyn? Oh yes, a Grinch.” Her eyes sparkled with humor, and Gwyn couldn’t help but chuckle.

“She means my instructor in my combat class,” Gwyn interjected, earning a nod and a mock stern look from Roslyn. “He tried to have us do extra work during the winter break. Said Winter’s Festival is a prime time to train how to fight in ‘adverse weather conditions’. Bah humbug.”

Taenya picked up a delicate cup of tea, her gaze shifting between the two young women. “Oh?  Usually you’re all for training. And how is that going for our fierce warrior princess? Still setting the training grounds ablaze while riding on the back of Calista?”

“Only metaphorically, I assure you,” Gwyn replied, only to be instantly betrayed by Roz’s snort.

“Yeah, right… you should have seen her accidentally set Instructor Heimal’s robe on fire last week!”

Her mom raised a brow and Gwyn narrowed her eyes at the traitor. “E tu, Roz?”

Sabina, who had been quietly enjoying her tea, chimed in mentally, ‘Sounds about like her. Little miss mage really likes to prove herself.’

Roslyn apparently missed the subtext because she beamed at Gwyn. “She’s amazing. And we’ve been working together with our studies. And you all should really see the latest piece she did in her art class. It was breathtaking.”

Gwyn’s mother smiled. “Oh? We should have it displayed in the palace.”

“Moooom. Stop, it’s not nearly good enough.”

The conversation continued, light and filled with laughter and no shortage of attempts of loving embarrassment focused on Gwyn, but try as she might… she couldn’t help but smile and enjoy herself. They discussed everything from school to the Winter’s Fest. They spoke of plans and wishes, of gifts they hoped to find or make, and the foods they looked forward to eating.

As they talked, Gwyn’s eyes kept drifting to Roslyn, noticing the way the light in the room caught in her hair or the animation in her face when she spoke about something she loved, or how she teased Gwyn to no end. Gwyn’s cheeks hurt from all the smiling she was doing and she constantly had to use her [Cryomancy] just to cool herself off. It was moments like these, surrounded by her family and her best friend, that Gwyn cherished the most.

Since her mom had finally arrived… everything had been perfect.

The dining hall’s door creaked open, causing a hush to fall over the room that was quickly replaced by the pattering of tiny feet. Gwyn’s gaze shifted to the entrance where a maid was guiding a little girl, her steps tentative but determined. With curly hair like spun gold and eyes wide with curiosity, Marilena was a sight to behold—a blend of Sloane’s grace and her elven father’s warmth.

“Mamma!” Marilena’s voice, soft and musical, filled the room as she reached out with chubby hands toward Sloane. Gwyn’s heart swelled with affection as she watched her mother cross the room with fluid movements and full of love.

Ciao, amorina! How was your little nap?” Sloane cooed, lifting Marilena into her arms and spinning with her gently. The toddler’s laughter was infectious, spreading smiles all around.

Returning to her seat with Marilena on her hip, Sloane was barely seated when the little girl, with an eagerness only toddlers possess, reached for Gwyn. Chuckling, Gwyn scooped up her sister, balancing the two year old comfortably on her lap. “Ciao, Mari. Come va?”

“Bene, Wyn!” Marilena’s giggle was pure joy, her tiny hands reaching for Gwyn’s face.

“Molto bene. Good,” Gwyn replied gently, her eyes softening at the sight of her sister’s bright expression.

As Gwyn adjusted her little sister in her lap so that she could see the rest of the table, Marilena’s gaze darted around the room, her tiny hand stretching out towards Roslyn with an enthusiastic gleam in her eyes. “Rossie!” she called out with childish delight.

Roslyn’s face lit up with a warm, affectionate smile as she quickly jumped up and made her way around the table to sit closer to Gwyn and Marilena. As soon as she sat she scooted close so that she was leaning up against Gwyn and cooing down at the toddler. “Hello, little sister. How are you?” she asked.

Gwyn chuckled, the sound laced with a hint of embarrassment. “She’s my sister,” she teased, giving Marilena a gentle squeeze. “Finders keepers!”

Her mother, Sloane, lifted an eyebrow in mock sternness, her voice rich with amusement. “Gwyn, darling, basta. Let's not be selfish. Sharing is caring, especially when it comes to family.”

Gwyn rolled her eyes again, but she couldn't hide the fondness in her gaze as she watched Roslyn interact with Marilena. Roslyn, seizing the moment, turned to Gwyn with a triumphant smile. “You heard her, Gwynnie. My mother-in-law has spoken.”

The words hit Gwyn like a wave, washing over her with a flurry of emotions and images that she couldn't quite suppress. Suddenly, her she found herself in a scene of a future that both scared and intrigued her. There she was, resplendent in a flowing white dress, walking towards an altar within the Temple of the Celestials. Her heart raced as she turned to see Roslyn, equally radiant, waiting for her. The two of them standing side by side, hands clasped, felt so real that for a moment, she lost her breath. Then the world fast forwarded and Roslyn was lifting up to meet her only for Gwyn’s eyes to be stuck watching her best friend’s lips inch closer until—

She blinked rapidly back in the dining room, trying to shake the fantasies from her head, but then Marilena, ever the bundle of energy, all but leapt into Roslyn's arms with a joyful squeal. Roslyn's laughter filled the room and Gwyn found herself caught in the moment, her thoughts momentarily silenced by the sight of her best friend holding her little sister.

Gwyn's heart still raced, but now it was under the guise of affection and familial love. She watched them, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and warmth, unsure of what to make of her own thoughts. Yet, as she sat there, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of rightness watching Roslyn with Marilena, as if the pieces were slowly falling into place, even if she wasn't quite ready to admit it to herself.

The room seemed to glow with a familial warmth, the three of them forming a small circle of laughter and light conversation. Marilena babbled in her sweet, incoherent way, clearly enjoying the attention from her 'Rossie'.

The laughter and chatter continued, with Marilena's occasional exclamations adding to the joyful cacophony. Gwyn found herself getting lost in the moment, the worries and stresses of her daily life melting away in the face of such simple, pure happiness.

Eventually, as the sun began to dip lower in the sky and the shadows lengthened, the time came for them to wrap up their little gathering. Gwyn helped Marilena back into Sloane's arms, and gave a big family hug to the two of them. “I love you, mamma. Good night, Mari.”

“Nite-nite, Wynnie,” Marilena said with a big yawn as she rubbed her eyes.

“Ti amo, Gwynnie. I’m going to get this little one to bed,” her mom said before turning to Roslyn with a smile. “Don’t stay up too late tonight, girls. Buonanotte.

Gwyn exchanged a knowing look with Roslyn—a silent agreement that these were the moments they cherished the most.

With a promise to have more such gatherings in the future, they each went about finishing their day, the memory of the afternoon's laughter echoing warmly in their hearts. As Gwyn lay down to sleep that night with Roslyn at her side, she realized that no matter what challenges lay ahead, it was these moments of love and connection that would always guide her through.

✦     ✦     ✦

Despite being indoors, the large space they were in was crisp with cool air; so much that Gwyn was using her [Pyromancy] to keep both her and her snuggle buddy warm. The estate was alive with the sounds of laughter and chatter as everyone gathered in the grand living room, illuminated by the soft glow of the hearth and adorned with festive decorations.

There was no tree or anything as it wasn’t a custom here on Eona, but Gwyn was determined to convert her family and House next year.

Gwyn lounged on the plush couch snuggling with Roslyn as they all watched Marilena excitedly tear into her presents, her giggles infectious. Sloane oversaw the festivities with a warm smile, occasionally helping her youngest with the more stubborn wrappings.

“Here, this one's for you, Gwyn,” Sabina said, handing her a neatly wrapped package. Gwyn thanked her with a grin and carefully opened it to reveal a beautifully crafted set of throwing knives, their handles engraved with intricate designs.

“Wow, Sabina, these are amazing!” Gwyn exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement and lifting them up and twirling them around with her [Telekinesis]. “Oh yeah, I can do a lot with this.”

“I thought they might come in handy, considering your adventurous spirit,” Sabina replied with a wink.

“Oh! I can enchant those for you!” her mamma called out. “They’ll go through anything when I’m done.”

Grazie, Mamma!”

As the morning progressed, the room was filled with the sounds of paper rustling, exclamations of delight, and the warmth of shared joy. Gwyn took a moment to look around at the faces of her family and friends, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and love.

Finally, it was Roslyn's turn to give her gift. She handed Gwyn a small, exquisitely wrapped box with a shy smile. “For you, love.”

Gwyn blushed as she carefully unwrapped it to reveal a delicate silver necklace, a single sapphire pendant glinting in the light. “Oh, Roz... it's beautiful.”

“I wanted to get you something to match the tiara I got you when we first met,” Roslyn murmured, her cheeks coloring slightly. “I hope you like it, my princess.”

“I love it,” Gwyn assured her, leaning in to give Roslyn a quick hug.

As the morning waned, the group settled into a comfortable lull, chatting and enjoying each other's company. Gwyn felt Roslyn snuggle closer to her on the couch, her head resting on Gwyn’s thighs. She gently stroked her hair while the others talked and Marilena played with her new stuffed animals.

The room was filled with the soft crackling of the fire and the low murmur of conversation when Roslyn suddenly looked up at Gwyn, her eyes shining with an emotion that Gwyn had only begun to recognize. “I love you,” she whispered, before reaching around Gwyn’s head and pulling down as she rose to kiss Gwyn deeply on the lips.

The world seemed to pause for Gwyn, every sense heightened. The kiss was gentle yet filled with an intensity that took her breath away. As they parted, Gwyn could only stare down into Roslyn’s eyes as her heart raced and her mind reeled. She was aware of the others in the room, but in that moment, it felt as if they were the only two people in the world.

“I… I love you too, Roz,” Gwyn finally managed to say, her voice low and filled with disbelief.

Roslyn smiled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, and snuggled back against Gwyn, content. The rest of the room faded into a blur as Gwyn held Roslyn close.

✦     ✦     ✦

The crackling fire and murmurs of conversation seemed to echo in Gwyn’s mind as she slowly drifted back to reality. The warmth of the dream lingered, a ghost of a kiss that never was still tingling on her lips. She felt a weight against her side and opened her eyes to the dim light of the morning filtering through the curtains.

As her memory of the dream started to fade, she looked down. Roslyn was there, her breath even and calm, nestled against her in a way that was both familiar and hauntingly sweet. The dream had felt so real, so vivid, that Gwyn found herself reluctant to disturb the peace of the moment. Instead of pulling away, as she might have done any other morning when they found themselves entangled together in a myriad of ways, she shifted closer, wrapping an arm around her best friend and drawing her in.

As she lay there, she tried to replay the dream in her mind, but all she could focus on was the whispered confession and the kiss that followed—along with all of the feelings of happiness and joy. It was just a silly dream, she reminded herself, but the flutter in her chest told a different story. She was acutely aware of the gentle rise and fall of Roslyn’s chest, the softness of her hair against her skin, and the comforting presence she had always taken for granted.

Gwyn closed her eyes, trying to will her heart to slow its frantic pace. She breathed in the scent of Roslyn and the faint floral fragrance with its hint of lavender and vanilla that she always seemed to carry. It was comforting, familiar, and now inexplicably enthralling.

The dream had changed something, or perhaps her perfect Winter’s Fest had revealed something she’d been too afraid to acknowledge. Something she had long hoped for.

But as the room grew ever brighter, Gwyn decided she didn’t need to figure it all out right then. For the moment, she allowed herself the simple pleasure of holding her best friend close, her mind quieting as she savored the closeness.

As she drifted back toward sleep, Gwyn made a silent promise to herself to cherish these quiet moments, no matter what the future might hold, because deep down she feared that Roslyn would one day have to leave her.


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