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AN: So, we've reached the end of book 1. I will be retiring the Adventurer tier after it ends on RR and everyone who currently has it will be grandfathered. Fear not adventurer, the Grandmaster will reopen it when book 2 begins in the future. Next book that tier will stay a bit further ahead than I was capable of this time because of how much writathon messed with me. I hope you all have enjoyed Iris and Co in Mayhem, and I can't wait until we get to next book. 

However, there is currently no firm timeline on when it will start as I will be returning home from my four month business trip here soon. Need some time to recover, spend time with my family, and having less on my plate will help with that.

Plus I need to plot it.
That may help.

For those who joined for Mayhem, I hope you enjoy Manabound, and if you liked Iris, you may like Lexi in Corporate Mage. There's a lot more to come on that, and the first 30k words (10 chapters) have already been written.

If anyone has any questions regarding Mana & Mayhem hit me up on the discord! I'd love to discuss it with any of you.

Anyways! Thanks for reading, you all are amazing and I appreciate every bit of support you have given.

Isekai Protagonist

As the new adventurers were talking to Neri, the main door swung open behind Iris, emitting a soft creak that harmonized with the chatter inside the hall. Iris was in the midst of smiling, her heart light and spirits high when a familiar voice sang out.


Her heart hiccupped, all the chatter and noise fading away. As she turned, the sun framed the vision she had missed dearly. There, standing with poise and elegance, was Kaira, her enchanting elven lover. The sunlight caught the edges of her short pixie-cut hair, making her look ethereal.

“Kaira!” Iris exclaimed, joy evident in her voice.

"Sis!" Akane's voice sounded behind her, the soft rustle indicating the swaying of her three distinctive tails. She, alongside Mocha, strode in behind the elven beauty, their eyes radiant with excitement.

But the presence that truly caught Iris off guard was the feathered woman who followed them.


Dressed in rugged leather armor that hugged her form, along with a bright skirt that contrasted sharply with her feathery limbs, the harpy flashed a mischievous grin. “Hey there, Storm Goddess!”

Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Iris remarked, “You can talk now!”

Lavi's chirpy laughter filled the air. “Yes, yes! Much progress with steps. I can leave the forest!”

Iris's gaze darted back to Kaira, unable to mask her confusion. “What’s this all about?”

Kaira, ever the tease, smirked playfully. “Well, things are settled with the Lady Nysera. The forest is officially her land. Then with two magical women already in my party, I thought, why not add another? Besides, Lavi here,” she nodded towards the harpy, “is quite the badass with her magic.”

Blushing slightly under the praise, Lavi dipped her head, her voice soft yet proud, “Thank you, friend Kaira.”

Before further discussions could ensue, Akane and Mocha surrounded Iris, glomping onto her in a warm, familial embrace. From over her shoulder, the slightly awed voice of Carlos chimed in, “Is that... a harpy?”

“And a kitsune too... one that looks just like the Grandmaster… but with tails and fox ears,” Naomi whispered, her eyes wide with intrigue.

Just as Iris was about to say something, a commanding voice, belonging to Sera, pierced the momentary pause. “Oi! Neri is settling you in. Please show her some respect.”

They all echoed in unison, their voices tinged with a mix of respect and trepidation, “Yes, ma'am!” Their attention swiftly redirected to Neri, who wore an expression of amusement.

But for Iris, the world consisted of Kaira and her radiant smile. “You're back earlier than expected. I was hoping for a dinner reunion at the very least.”

Kaira tilted her head, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Impatient to see us, were you? And who might these new faces be?”

Iris chuckled, the world around them blurring. “Oh, just the new adventurers. Everything's been going smoothly.”

Kaira shifted her gaze toward Mocha. “Mocha, mind logging the quest completion when Neri’s free? And help Lavi get situated, will you?”

Mocha, catching the subtle undertone, shot a sly grin towards Iris. “Of course. Iris, remember you’re in public,” she replied, her voice dripping with playful insinuation. She offered a wink, which made Iris roll her eyes.

Cheeky bitch. I’ll get you later.

The elf, clearly enjoying the situation, turned back to face Iris, her smirk widening just enough to reveal those perfect pearly whites that Iris so adored. For a brief second, the world faded as the two locked eyes.

Pushed by affection and desire, Iris closed the gap. She wrapped her arms around Kaira, pulling her in close. Their bodies pressed together in an embrace that felt as natural as breathing, like the gentle hum of current between two perfectly aligned conductors.

Every time we touch, it’s a spark. Or probably just my [Electromancy].

Gazing down at her, Kaira's elven eyes shimmered playfully. “Bored without us, huh? Grandmaster, it hasn’t even been a full season and you’re itching to get back out?”

“Seeing you just makes everything feel right,” Iris murmured, her voice thick with emotion. “I’m glad you’re back.”

Kaira smirked, a playful glint in her eyes. “Oh? Well, dear Iris, I'll always come back if you're waiting for me.”

The intensity of the moment was palpable. As Kaira's fingers weaved through Iris's scarlet locks, she tugged gently. The tease in Iris's smirk was evident. “You missed me too, huh?”

“Every moment,” Kaira whispered back.

The world seemed to fade as their lips met. It was as if a storm brewed inside them, the electric charge undeniable.

Their bubble of intimacy was burst by Mocha’s voice, laden with faux disgust, “For the love of Alos, get a room you two!”

Pulling back just enough to see Kaira's face, Iris smirked, “Your place or mine?”

Akane's dramatic groan echoed through the room, “Definitely Kaira’s place. Don’t bring that sappy shit home, Iris!”

Iris took a moment to just stand there, taking in the room with all its familiar yet astonishing faces. The gentle hum of conversations and the faint scent of lingering magic enveloped her, grounding her to this moment.

Akane, with her flaming-red hair and distinct tails, was engaged in a passionate discussion with Lavi. The harpy, with her newfound voice, seemed to be relishing the exchange, her chirpy laughter punctuating their conversation. Next to them, Mocha was talking to the new adventurers as if she were a veteran. Which she was, it just took Iris a long time to see it. Her best friend, and now sister.

And then there was Sera. Her friend and someone who she’d come to rely on and would even more as the guild grew. She stood a little distance away, observing the entire scene with a soft smile. When their eyes met, she nodded at Iris, a silent acknowledgment of all they'd been through, all they had achieved.

A rush of emotion hit Iris.

It was almost overwhelming, the realization of how far she had come. Once an outsider in this new world, struggling to find her footing, now she was surrounded by bonds stronger than any spell.

Bonds of family, friendship, and love.

She felt a gentle touch on her arm and looked down to see Kaira, her ethereal elven partner. The two exchanged a silent smile, speaking volumes without uttering a word.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Iris let the voices and sounds of the room wash over her. The laughter, the banter, the occasional chirp or yelp of surprise. It was music to her ears, a symphony of love and camaraderie.

The journey had not been easy. There had been trials, losses, moments of doubt and despair. But standing here, in this building, filled with the people she cherished the most, Iris realized that every challenge, every hurdle had been worth it. They had shaped her, made her stronger, and led her to this moment.

As she looked around the room one last time, a contented sigh escaped her lips. So much had happened in the two and a half years since arriving on Eona. It took a while to truly get off her ass, but she’d completed a long quest and fought a villain. She had become a true adventurer and started something that would last long beyond her.

And she got the girl.

If that wasn’t the story of a hero, she didn’t know what was.

In any story, this would have been the end. There would be some sappy epilogue and then nothing else would happen. Iris would have cried for a moment because she was an emotional bitch, but then put the book down before moving on to the next wish fulfillment numbers go brr trash that she loved so much.

But Iris’s story didn’t end there.

Despite what she had thought for so long, Iris Stuart wasn’t some isekai protagonist. No, she was just a woman—an adventurer.

Someone who got swept up by some fucking crazy cosmic event that gave her a second chance at life.

And she had found a family, friends who stood by her through thick and thin, and a love that transcended realms. She'd found her place in this magical world and while she may miss her family back home… she would likely never return and while that may hit her hard in the future…

Right now, that didn’t matter, because, in that moment, everything was truly perfect.

She turned back to Kaira. “Let’s go.”

Kaira’s laughter rang out, her smile as radiant as the first rays of dawn. “Lead the way, Grandmaster. Anywhere, as long as it’s with you.”

Iris’s heart overflowed with warmth. “I love you.”

Kaira smiled. “I love you too, you sappy adventurer.”