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Commissioned Art Poll!

  • Iris - MC of Mana & Mayhem 6
  • Lexi - MC of Corporate Mage 5
  • Akane - Kitsune in Mana & Mayhem 4
  • Mocha - Magical Horse companion of Iris 3
  • Taenya - Gwyn's telv knight-captain 4
  • Sabina - Gwyn's high elf mindmage knight 4
  • Nemura - Sloane's telv bodyguard 8
  • Stefan - Sloane's raithe Blade party member 2
  • Amari - Gwyn's sun elf Paladin Protector 4
  • Roslyn - Gwyn's high elf best friend in Manabound 13
  • Kaira - Iris's high elf girlfriend! 2
  • Khalan - Roslyn's sun elf Paladin Protector 2
  • Gisele - Sloane's orkun knight friend 4
  • Ressa - orkun Empire's Fist from Vlaredian Empire 2
  • Ismeld - Sloane's high elf knight friend 3
  • Mariel - Sloane's raithe necromancer-in-training 14
  • Maud - Sloane's telv healing knight friend 3
  • 2023-08-27
  • 83 votes
{'title': 'Commissioned Art Poll!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Iris - MC of Mana & Mayhem', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Lexi - MC of Corporate Mage', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Akane - Kitsune in Mana & Mayhem', 'votes': 4}, {'text': ' Mocha - Magical Horse companion of Iris', 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Taenya - Gwyn's telv knight-captain", 'votes': 4}, {'text': "Sabina - Gwyn's high elf mindmage knight", 'votes': 4}, {'text': "Nemura - Sloane's telv bodyguard", 'votes': 8}, {'text': "Stefan - Sloane's raithe Blade party member", 'votes': 2}, {'text': "Amari - Gwyn's sun elf Paladin Protector", 'votes': 4}, {'text': "Roslyn - Gwyn's high elf best friend in Manabound", 'votes': 13}, {'text': "Kaira - Iris's high elf girlfriend!", 'votes': 2}, {'text': "Khalan - Roslyn's sun elf Paladin Protector", 'votes': 2}, {'text': "Gisele - Sloane's orkun knight friend", 'votes': 4}, {'text': "Ressa - orkun Empire's Fist from Vlaredian Empire", 'votes': 2}, {'text': "Ismeld - Sloane's high elf knight friend", 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Mariel - Sloane's raithe necromancer-in-training", 'votes': 14}, {'text': "Maud - Sloane's telv healing knight friend", 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 27, 4, 14, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 83}


Look, I'm sorry for the double post but Patreon sucks and doesn't let me edit a poll. Had to fix it. UPDATED.

In celebration of hitting 100 patrons, I wanted to put up a poll for the next commissioned art I'll get done! Gwyn's is still being worked on, and as soon as I get updates I'll share em. I'm excited for that one.

I've chosen the most likely candidates, if anyone has any good suggestions beyond these, toss em in the comments and I'll add them to the list.

Choose whoever tickles your fancy.

For those of you who are like "Who the heck is Lexi?"
Lexi is our main character for the new story that's being slowly released. This is a long-term story but is only being released here because I want to get it right and finish the entire book before any release elsewhere. It's a Magitech Cyberpunk litrpg based on Sloane's Earth 35 years after the Flash. Lexi's an operative with magic on a special operations team for a corporation in a post-apocalyptic world.



Okay, so for the question before: Group art is out for this one due to the $$$ nature of such commissions. It needs to cost less than I make through patreon in a month. (Unless one of you amazing people are an awesome artist and wanna negotiate.) In the future, I would love to do a side-by-side pic of Sloane with Nemura and Gwyn with Taenya. Or even Sloane with Nemura and Stefan opposite Gwyn with Taenya and Sabina. Definitely #goals.


Now, with the fact that I can't edit a poll, instead of adding more options... if you guys have suggestions for what scene would be best for any given character... lemme know! I have some ideas already for some of them. Most, if not all, will include something related to the character's powerset.

Ester Tedford

Wow. These votes are all over the place!


I know! I am *shook* at how it's turning out. I even went into Baldur's Gate 3 and made Mariel and Roslyn just so I have a frame of reference. XD