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it took wayyy longer than expected to create this update... but it's finally ready !

ksPlug update 1.32 

This version adds the buddies invitation feature and obviously buddies action once they are invited, it still needs work because it's a really big feature but I think it's already better than the buddy feature of kPlug. 

I re-think a lot of things, characters you connect together remain connected until you ask them to stop or change the main animation. That way the scenery composition you created with care will not change without your consent ;) 

Read the release notes, there's a lot to know !

Next week (I'm aiming for Wednesday) I will publish next kPlug versions, a public one and an update with 1 more position for supporters.

Take care of you!



great!. but i have a problem with invitation menu´ for female and male charaters. Screen: https://imgur.com/a/hkwkr5M..... maybe exist a incompatible plugins that i´m not aware. Edit1: for some reason all animation are broken, Screen: https://imgur.com/a/TpkrdIE Edit2: the animation problem was because i forget to add the public version 1.3. Edit3: never mind some animation include vanilla are broken, happen when a a girl wsap from girl think. Edit4: for the animation the problem was a plugins, the name of the plugins you add from the list are a little off. BTW is better if you add a correct patch or a full name next time. And the invitation menu still not work for both gender. Edit5: Another isse the characters swap change the color skin to another. In sense if the main girl have a green color and i swap to a another with a red color, the red girl will be green color like the main girl.


not played KS is it worth it


So the problem is the story mode ? Edit1: ok the invitation menu work in free-h for both gender BUT the buddy not interact with the girls.


I have KS but don't play it anymore. When it comes to illusions, newer works are not necessarily better. It is inferior to KK in terms of juice expression.


my bad i was doing the same thing i do with kk... but the shortcuts for a laptop is terrible....


Thanks for the awesome update!

Neko Chaos

Anyway to remove invited girls from free h yet?


its a automode planed ... also same as in Koikatsu that the buddies conect by self to girls ... its a nice feature to conect manual but if the couple are finish the action you conect again and again and the action finished after one handjob, blowjob, sex whatever..


girls also dont make proper service noises. they all have the same moaning sounds regardless of action.


I just can't connect the girl and the buddy.


is quite bad shortcuts implemention..... if you use a laptop you must use a mouse. So work in that way, you have to point the character with the left mouse button, then press the middle mouse button for a second finally hold down the left mouse button cersion at the character you want. As soon as you see the words blowbjob,fuck? etc. release the left mouse button.


Isn't it possible to do it with the same operation as KK Is it not possible to move or connect characters with ALT+RMB? In my case, I can't move my character using LMB. LMB is used for viewpoint manipulation.

竜 神島

"Thank you as always. I have a question: Will this feature be reflected in VR? Or, is there a possibility that it will be reflected in VR?"


COOL,will you update the hsplug this year?


I have the same issue, the invite window is empty, same as your first image

Pig Mac

Ok, after taking some time playing around with it.. it's quite a nice system you built in, almost revolutionary for being in KKS. One thing thou, the 'break' can the old shortcut still be used/added? (ALT+H) .. not that the stats matter in KKS.. but just to make sure they don't have too much fun on their own while they're at it. Applause for this one.. more so if it hits KK with the full range of options. (where KK still chugs along in ~30 FPS on my computer in 1080p, that I play Cyberpunk 2077 on 'Psycho' settings, on a locked 140 FPS in 1440p)


That illusion is very know for bad game optmize, well almost all h-game have this issue, becuse there no actual game support from none GPU company.

Ron Reyes

Hope all is well with you, Should we expect any KSplug updates? I started a plan for them and it seems like its not updated often.