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Hey people !

Here's a new public version of ksPlug

ksPlug1.3 manual 

The download link is in the Intro part of the manual

There are new positions and other new things since the previous version, some of the features will also be in next public version of kPlug that should come before the end of the month, please read the manual.

Hope you'll enjoy, take care of you ! 



Thanks for the update. I like mention one thing about buy the game. illusion when rebrand in illgames, they remove they own games under illusion name from japan store, example Dlsite, fanza ecc. The good news you can still buy the steam version. If you like use the jap version you need pirate the game.


Thanks for update but both ksPlug 1.3 and 1.3s are indicated as ksPlug 1.2.0 in a Config. setting list. Actually there is no Delete key setting. Would you please confirm?


Will binders be implemented into ksplug?


It is weird. File property said it is but on game starting screen and plugins config. list, it is said 0.1.20.


Dear all, my installation problem is solved. I just did delete all and re-install all. Now my ksPlug is 1.3.0. Thanks.


It has been tested that it can become 1.3.0 after all deletion.Thanks.


Just a heads up I noticed a small but annoying bug. When "joining" a peep scene the exit option doesn't show up sometimes. Might be useful to have an override in the menu to end the scene. Just in case something like that happens.