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Okay, it's the middle of the week, I'm a bit late

kPlug 3.26

ksPlug update 

In both game it adds a position, it's a simple missionary position based on the one from the 3P position added from sunshine, this missionary is close to the vanilla missionary animation but also a little bit different and actually better particularly the pre-cum and orgasm animation state and of course, this new pose let you choose the anal course if you like that stuff!

In Koikatsu this position is named "Missionary 3" in Sunshine it's "Lying, Missionary 5"

kPlug 3.26 also introduces a new option related with Ahegao (that's why I'm late).

In story mode you can link the ecstatic mood of a girl with ahegao state, it allows to trigger ahegao in H when a girl reaches that mood but also to maintain Ahegao state on a girl during a whole day once she's ecstatic, she will have her naughty face in all H sessions. I think it's a really interesting option for those who play the story mode.

Thanks for your patience.



Heyho did you add the girls think option with this ksplug update?

Neko Chaos

Will we able to remove girls from free h in sunshine soon if at all?


thank you always. how are you doing I'm really happy with the insertion after a long absence this time while I'm busy. Anal insertion is still the best!


Thank you for the new position!! I want to change the posename, but I can't find "Missonary 3" in the posenames list.


Always love story mode additions! Especially when it comes along a new position

Pig Mac

We need the full Dwarf Fortress version of Artificial Academy 2 in KK. We need rivals and even more statistics, history, random backstories, consequences ..and the murders and detective work (and a fully working chainsaw!.. for ..home-defense) :)


I'm done with this mod. Its cool the additions it brings but I cant work the game without the games smart ui because I hate shit that's made unnecessarily complicated. No matter what I do I cant turn on the smart ui and so for me it makes the game unplayable. I've redownloaded the game multiple times and I even tried deleting all plugins. I hate when people make something for people to use and breaks shit that wouldn't be broken without it. I'm sorry if I sound like an ass but I've been trying to get it to work for a week and nothing. If you can tell me what to do to fix it, great. If not I'm done trying to get it to work.

Pig Mac

Did you try the , <-key on numpad? F9 don't work for me nowadays for some reason, but numpad , do (as I have no Del key on mine) (and I normally use F10 for UI screenshots and F12 for rendered, but F12 are in the last HF patches tied to RuntimeUnityEditor, that always used to be the PAUSE key as cheatmenu)


Sad news....Illusion had suspended its business. Dark age has come.


kplug settings menu in vr is broken. Only the menu title shows up.


I'm sure you were surprised by the sudden shocking event that happened yesterday. However, even if Illusion is gone, Koikatsu will still be alive as long as kplug exists. I would like to request a position that has been warmed for many years. I don't know where to send it, so I put the address here. I am very sorry to trouble you, but I think that only Katarsys can make this. I need you I would appreciate it if you could hear this request. Please take care of yourself and take care of yourself. I apologize for the long message. https://light.dotup.org/uploda/light.dotup.org58566.png.html https://light.dotup.org/uploda/light.dotup.org58568.png.html https://light.dotup.org/uploda/light.dotup.org58570.png.html https://dotup.org/uploda/dotup.org3015327.webm.html


Is it possible to increase the position of breastfeeding while having sex Is it possible to just pump breast milk?


I had a feeling after R18 closed down back in January this year that ILLUSION would be following also. But it has been a good journey with ILLUSION over these few years.

Rest Assured

Welp, now my KKS won't load into saved games or free h. Nice. Reinstalled from a fresh pack, but I don't seem to see the added position?


I know you won't read the comments anyway, but I ask you. Now, rather than adding meaningless positions, why don't we support two or three people in the service position, it's too bad to support two or three people only in the basic service in the early days


It is effective because increasing the number of positions increases the randomness of the girl's thinking. I agree that the service position will increase.


Actually, I like one-on-one anal insertion positions, and that's the number one reason I support this site. Everyone has their own reasons for supporting this place, so I think it's best for Mr. Katarsys to continue doing what he likes, as long as it doesn't become a burden. Not only is the illusion gone, but it's too big a loss if it goes away so far. Anyway, I would like you to do what you want to do at your own pace without overdoing it.


hi,I know how to turn into 3p after inviting another girl in VR version .But i still dont know how to do it in normal version when H

Fun Times

Would it be possible to add a hotkey for Buddies think option just like the girls have? Sometimes I would like to turn it on and off mid scene but not have to have it on all the time with only the menu toggle. Thanks

Fun Times

Also if anyone has any idea what could be causing the girls to have no head after swaps I would be grateful. I did a new install and I can't figure out which plugin might be causing it. It's not every single swap, sometimes it takes a few swaps before it does it. It removes the head and accessories so it's just a body that stops at the neck. If I add the accessories back there is still no face, just an empty space under the hair. Thank you to anyone with suggestions EDIT: Seems like my issue was with PostProcessingEffects. Removing this plugin seems to have fixed it for now. I have no idea why this plugin would cause heads, clothes, accessories to disappear upon character swap but it is what it is.