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Hey, finally I've something naughty and interesting for you...

kPlug 3.25 

ksPlug update 

This adds a new service "Lying, Foot & Blowjob", this position was very complicated to make. It's based on a photo someone sent me some time ago so it seems that some people are flexible enough to take this position in RL... I'm sure I can't!

It's difficult to find time for modding, I will have more free time during July and August but the next week (don't know exactly when) I will publish a new version of ksPlug dll, this will only concerns code and feature (public interaction in H, girl think option and binder).   

I'm sure you'll like the new blowjob ;)



It seems that the position of the mouth or the stick is shifted compared to other actions.


This is so HOT! 🔥🔥🔥🔥👨‍🚒

Buisy Boo

I'm not sure why but for the past 2 patches I have not been able to use the invite menu, whenever I pull it up it just says nobody is here. Is there a way to fix this?

Neko Chaos

Will we be able to remove girls from the scene in free H in the next ks version? No clue if thats already there or not


I'm having the same problem where my invitation menu is now blank with "nobody is here". Please help


Was waiting for this position so much! Thanks man!


hello mister feet, bring us something new next time.


great,anther footjob!I hope lick girl feet next position


Hello, I am using kplug. Some functions cannot be used when using the service. Unable to summon males with kBuddy. Do you need Darkness to summon a male?


Where should I download KKS for KSplug to work??? Its giving me a lot of trobule on what I've downloaded. like I cant bring up the window to invite another girl nor can I bring up the positions menu during H.

Pig Mac

What are you currently using? I were using HF patch v.1.10, but currently downloading 1.11 (as I hardly use KKS) The ksPlug settings, and settings of shortcuts, are under the normal plugins on KKS. Not sure how the ksPlug update numbers are shown, as last public version (core) were 1.20 and even when adding up newer ones it seems to want to say 1.21.. so might need 1.21 too after adding the 1.20 core? https://imgur.com/0N4R1vo

Joshua De Alejandro

Can’t wait for the update with the girls think option really makes gameplay more enjoyable in my opinion! Keep up the good work!


nice, I hope breastfeeding for next pose

Drake Phoenix

Anyone have an issue where you change a pose, and the characters go a little... haywire? like, their legs and arms will not be where they should be.


If I am doing a clean install in this file enough or do I need to download something else to get all the content?

Pig Mac

You'd need kPlugCore(3.2).rar also (public release), as it contains the 'Core files' for kPlug, as this is just an update with no 'core' files, just cumulative added updates from 3.2 to 3.25. (Personally I would almost say that you 'need' HF Patch v3.21, and also need to know what NOT to install from that one, to get the most mileage out of the game, as most good cards uses mods added to that one)

Fun Times

I don't know if you ever figured it out but you are missing some poses from previous kPlug versions. You have to re-install the abdata folder from the latest public version and then the latest private version on top of it. I just did this myself on a new install. I used the installer first, then copied the 3.2 abdata folder, then the latest abdata folder which is 3.26 as of right now