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kPlug 3.21 is ready


Please read the release note, there is the other 3P position that can be adapted from Sunshine and additional settings, most for VR.

This Sunday I wll release kPlug 3.2 as a public version, but if you're up to date with 3.21 you won't need to download and re-install it, but get at least the updated manual.

I've other things to say but it's late and I've a really busy day tomorrow, I will update this post later.



thanks mate


thank you and im looking forward to 3.2 public.

Никита Кузьминов

Thanks to the author for the excellent work. I have a problem with "Inbox:msgs". I took the "UserData" folder from BR17 and moved it to the clean 5.1 version of the game, where there is only HF Patch 3.20. When I "load" my "save", an empty "Inbox: msgs" window hangs on the top left. After the day, only a blue or pink background appears in this window without phrases from girls. Then I'm "save" my game. If I "load" this "save", the phrases are visible without errors. If I spend another day at school after that, the "Inbox: msgs" window disappears and I do not know how to return it. Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?


I honestly wanted this to work but I just can't seem to get this working right. I'm going to have to call it quits here. Have no idea how most here have this running.. Was really excited when I first heard of this kplug. Now just becoming a bummer to think about.


That's a shame since kplug adds so much more functionality to the base game and even in Free Mode and VR. Since supporting this plugin from near the beginning, it really isn't that hard to set up from just following the manual.