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Sorry, I have been extremely busy with family matters, I have an elderly person in charge, It really sucks... luckily I have organized help, now I just do evening meals, no more washing to do.

So here an update for Sunshine, put the .rar in your game root directory and extract here.

ksPlug 1.21

It's an update, 1.2 is required!

If you can't download because the link brings you on a blank page please try to copy paste this link in your browser address bar


It still didn't work? then try to copy this link


These links are the same download on WeTransfer but the adress looks different

Except the lesbian animations, it adds all animations from kPlug in Sunshine, intercourse adapted from sunshine are there too, they are slightly different from the original version and include the anal course.

I will do a public version with everything soon but I need to find why I can't add lesbian animation.

I've the next version of kPlug in preparation, it will add a position, improve the interactive experience option added in previous version and include it in Free H too. It will come during the next week end, Saturday or Sunday.

Take care of you friends!

PS: A small note about my health, it's not that great but from a medical point of view I'm doing great, the pain I told you about seems to be related with a scoliosis, it's not new but I'm badly surprised it can lead to pain in front of the chest... Anyway, I'm relieved it's not something more serious, just need to take pills for the rest of my life.



What the hell… this is great! Could it be that all existing KPLUG anal insertion positions are included!? ? Thank you very much, Mr. Katarsys, for your wonderful work. Thank you for the anal position! Japan is getting warmer. I wonder if it's warm there too... Please take care of yourself. I hope your scoliosis gets better. I have a question, but if you press the R shift key on KSPLUG 1.21 to go to the first person view, and then press the R key to return to the third person view, the viewing angle of the screen remains the first person view, and the perspective is too effective and the third person view is distorted. . I have my focus around 60 so it's more distorted. In that case, I was in trouble because I could not return it without restarting. KPLUG does not have such a problem and the R key restores the normal viewing angle, so could you please make it so that KSPLUG also returns to the normal viewing angle with the R key? (I can see the 3rd person view for a moment with the R shift key, but is it the original operation to switch from 1st person to 3rd person to 1st person with the R shift key?) We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your kind support.

翔太 松林

Thank you for the wonderful mod. Is it possible to remove a girl after inviting her with ksPlug1.2.1? Pressing the Delete key doesn't seem to do anything.


Hey, is it possible to invite more males in KS?