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So, after the public version here's something for supporters

kPlug 3.11 

There's 1 new position, Standing, Doggy Lifted. 

This pose is adapted from Sunshine, the idea of the position is good but the execution is not, I fixed it to avoid all the dick popup issues that are in the original version, and of course, anal course is available.

Installation is the same as the 3.1 beta, you put the download .rar in your game, right click, extract here and overwrite. Party user, extract the additional .rar kPlugForParty.rar.

Hope you'll like the new position!


Pig Mac

Just a little time-saving note: If you lose the 'interaction' during caress, or during the act. Press the A key to get interaction/caress/hands/tongue/etc etc back. I spent an hour trying to find out what plugin might be overriding it.. but remembered it simply were the A key for on/off.


The kplug 3.1 most ram memory than previous kplug mods. Could you fix it please?


Indeed it's a shortcut of the game, kPlug disable it when the cursor is over an UI and re-enable it when not. Might be some case where it failed. I thought everybody knows about the A key.


Are you talking about a memory leak? It's when ram usage constantly increase until the game crash? Some added function as pregnancy and push up retain info that previous versions of kPlug do not, the UI also use small texture that occupy a bit of space in ram but the difference should not be huge. I monitored the ram usage with caution while building 3.1 because of the UI textures, but on my side there's no issue, indeed it use more ram but not that much and the game is super stable, even after long game session so I'm not sure I can improve that.