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Hello world!

here's a new and the last substantial release of kPlug, I think many users will celebrate this version. kPlug will still receive new positions but I'm done with code features.

kPlug 3.07  

Read the release notes, I forgot to put it in the zip file, it's here


The main features of this build is to add a breast push option and a pregnancy option handled by kPlug. Other mods that do this are not compatible with character swapping but many of you told me they like these effects.

Now you can enjoy this directly with kPlug and fully exploit the group sex feature. 

It was hard work, especially to make it work properly in story mode without messing up with girls' original proportions. You should disable the other Push Up mod and KK_pregnancy before to use these options or consequences on story save are unpredictable.

I designed the code to be able to adapt it easily for sunshine, it should be implemented soon.

Next publish is for Sunshine, hope you'll have fun!



Thanks for the hard work!


Thank you for all the great updates to KPlug now and in the past!


Will there be any new Lesbian positions?


may be cool to have a group position where one girl forces another girl to give the guy a bj


Thanks for the update, having small issue of not being able to access the setting menu thou.


would it be possible to add more threeway animations like mmf for the buddys? The ones we have now weren't exactly what I thought it would be.


Just a ask. Can I disable the new functions from this version and continue to use plugin version of push up/pregnant? (Since I got some modified plugins)


Is it possible to have an ahegao feature for the other girls in a group? The only girl that's getting ahegao is the main one. It would be great to see all girls in ahegao state.


good job! can you more KKS position like 3 intercourse positions on table tennis desk those are really great on KK main game.


I have updated to 3.07 but there is no option menu & the Diary is non excitant. One is not sure where I have gone wrong as I have updated it the same way as always one even rolled back to 3.06 and this one is working fine menu & diary working again. Never mind fixed this. Ty

Ken E

This happened to me back at 3.04. I now have to Run as Administrator just to get the kplug content enabled. Running as admin, unfortunately prevents click-and-drag features, as it's a standard Windows operation drawback. Luckily that only matters when creating a character, though.


What? - Are you sure about the diagnosis, other things work but not the settings menu? This is a really weird problem, the only thing I can think of is that it is not running at all - Does it work with the previous version, can you open settings menu with 3.06?


I said I added options to do that so of course it's optional, it's not even enabled by default.


I will look on that, table tennis positions are higher than table/desk ones, it needs to be adapted a little.


works in 3.06, can provide some screen shoots once i figure out how to send them


This is incomprehensible problems... @J AzurE If you're using a translation for kPlug, open your kPlugPrefs.txt and remove those 2 lines Language = ... AlwaysReadTrans = ... And tell me if it changes something @Lefty75uk, advice is welcome! @Ken E I don't know why you have to be in Admin mode to run kPlug, the only file kPlug is writting is kPlugPrefs.txt, other than this file it just read files when you use a translation. Even if kPlug can't write the prefs it should be able to read it. Did you change the game drive or folder? I think some specific system directories requires admin privilege. Anyway, I can't figure anything in the release notes of 3.04 that could have created this suddenly.


I can believe you without screenshot... but can you confirm if with 3.07, except the settings menu, other things from kPlug are working?


That worked. I took out the two lines from the txt. file and now I can open the menu again


so far havent had any other issues, invites work, swapping, auto invite, buddies

Fun Times

Would be nice to be able to dismiss girls or buddies that have been invited, especially if we are unable to prevent them from moving with every location change (wall/desk/floor) or map change. Either everyone or individually. I have been meaning to ask about this for at least a year and I just keep forgetting. Would that be possible?

Fun Times

Oh and one other thing, there are several other maps available for Free H but are not available in the kPlug Map Selector. Also, there are several maps when you click on them in the Map Selector (Tab Menu during H), nothing happens (Toilet/Basement/others). Am I missing maps or is something broken? Any plans to also include the other maps from the modpacks to the selector? Thanks!


Adding maps is not such a big deal in terms of work, what are the other maps mod pack you're talking about? If a map in the selector is leading to nowhere, the map is probably missing, the zipMod that contains is not up to date. If a more recent map pack has been released with map ids modifications it can also create the same problem, leading to nowhere. I will check latest public release from DarkSoldier


Read the comments started by Lefty75uk, the problem is the same, it is still super weird and need investigation but here a first suggestion to fix the settings menu issue If you're using a translation for kPlug, open your kPlugPrefs.txt and remove those 2 lines Language = ... AlwaysReadTrans = ...


I still don't get it... In 3.07, I added few lines in the translation file Language_ui.txt, I mean in the English_ui.txt but I forget to note that in the release notes. // New in 3.07 OverlapKokan = "Add dynamic on Vagina ( requires kPlug female uncensor )" PushBreastUp = "Add a push up effect on girls breast when they are dressed" AllowPregnancy = "Girls can get Pregnant" PregDuration = "Pregnancy Duration" PregSpeed = "Inflation Speed" PregUnits = "day" PregSettingInH = "Pregnancy Options" InflateSafeGirl = "Girls on a safe day can also be bloated ( story only )" Those lines need to be copy/paste in other language file and translated to be displayed in the targeted language in kPlug UI. But where your problem doesn't make sense is that when kPlug doesn't find a line in the text file it uses the one directly specified in the kPlug code. I've done various test today, I removed part of a translation and try to use it and it works as excepted... The diary problem is even weirder. The only addition in the diary is the capacity to display the sentence "She's expecting a baby...", it's not even translatable. public static string StatName( string keyword ) { if ( keyword == "StatTxtPregnant" ) return "She's expecting a baby..."; if (kPlug.havLanguageFiles && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(kPlug.config.language)) return ToolTranslation.GetUItxt(keyword); ... The sentences is returned by this method before it searches in translation file, moreover kPlug query the sentence only on a pregnant girl, and it's impossible to meet that case just after installing 3.07. This problem needs more investigation and your help, it's like another mod is doing thing over kPlug internal translation methods.


Awesome, I appreciate all your hard work!


With KPlug 3.07 you added a the pregnancy application which meant my old KPlug preferences in 3.06 needed to be redone too accommodate the new function. But as for the diary why this part was also effected I have no clue but once I made the change to my preferences file the diary came back also. ??

Victor Luna

The Mod was working correctly, but today a new version of the HF mod (3.18) came out, obviously I installed it and this same problem happened to me.


I updated to 3.07 and saw the maps listed in the selector, but when I updated to the latest map pack they are no longer listed from the map selector, but still in the .txt file. Any way I can try and update that myself? Or any suggestions?


Okay thats fixed, also dont click a language on the setting menu or u have to go back and remove those 2 lines again


U should check dms

Fun Times

These maps in my Tab menu all lead to nowhere (click nothing happens): School Dorm Showers Adult Bedroom 2 Toilet Basement SM Room 3 Park Live Event 3 Temple 2 Big Office Bath House Johnny's Diner Salon Hall Salon Entrance Triangle Club Old Town I will check to see which maps are available in Free H but not in the selector now.

Fun Times

It is always possible that I am missing maps but I should have all publicly available maps at this point

Fun Times

Confirmed Free H Maps not available in Map Selector Tab Menu: Magic Mirror Car Heroine Room A (I am 99.9% sure) Kitchen Back Stage Empire Club Entrance Empire Club Rotary Private Onsen Private Onsen B Among Us The Skeld Jean's Office Leblanc Attic Abandoned Station Public Bathroom Forest Cave Online Game World Dining Room (Two maps share this same name, this is the second one) Luigi's Mansion WeTransfer link to screenshots of Free H Map Menu to see what I mean: https://we.tl/t-QW4sytYZzC Again this is based on my maps and the list on my installation, however it works, but it's just through KKManager so it should be the same for all, I believe. Please correct me if I am mistaken. Thanks!

Fun Times

And maybe this is old news but some things are a bit different whether you are in Free H vs having sex during a day in class and going to different maps. For example, the Public Bus map. During Free H it has many more selectable options for locations (piledrivers and whatnot) and more locations to choose from as well (example the couch or bench blowjob position on the back row of the bus) than if you go to this map during a school day where there are far fewer choices. If both could share the Free H options that would be sick.


This fixed the issue for me, thank you. However, selecting english in the kplug settings again broke the invite menu for me until doing the fix again.


inflation dosent work for me.... someone got an idea what mod i have to delete to get it work? console log: [Info : Console] Start BellyCtrl [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: void kPlug.CmpChara.BellyCtrl.SearchBreastValuesFromNpc(float) bool kPlug.CmpChara.BellyCtrl+d__26.MoveNext() void UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: void kPlug.CmpChara.BreastPusher.SearchValuesFromNpc() bool kPlug.CmpChara.BreastPusher+d__34.MoveNext() void UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) [Info : Console] SendInflationToDaily : Adding Inflation on KagaRoxanne = 0 hmmm i deleted KKABMX and created an generic chara there it works Reinstaled KKABMX tested (in free mode) with same chara still works, with other chara works to. tested in story dosent work same eror... so what exactly do i have to change on my exixsting charas or mods to get it work?


is anyone else having issues with ejaculating during service?


I actually already sent these awhile ago through DMs, but here is the link again. https://we.tl/t-sxgpzD8hs9


I feel like there is a high probability that the girls around me will be cross-legged when they sit down. I don't like that pose. The waist is bent to look like a man. I would like you to reduce the random appearance probability or replace it with another pose.


Is there no way for the positions menu to work in darkness mode?


Hey everyone. I have a problem with the invitation menu. Not a single character shows up. Ive already uninstalled KK_BrowserFolders.dll as recommended in the compatibility notes. Does anyone have a solution for this?


Hello, I would like to thank you for your hard work. KPlug is really a very great thing and enriches the game extraordinarily. Nevertheless, I would like to present a few ideas and also ask some questions. 1. in KPlug there is a function "Girls thinks" which is equivalent to an automatic mode, will this function become available for Sunshine in the future? 2. the normal caress mode of Koikatsu is not very good, here KPlug has already brought a lot of improvements with correct positions. I would like to ask if it is possible to integrate new caress positions into the game, concretely I miss especially caress positions where the guy spoils the girl's breasts by sucking/licking and hands. Would something like that be possible to implement? I would like to emphasize that these are only ideas of mine, if it is too much work to implement these things I can understand that. Whatever may come in the future, each new KPlug update has always enriched the game very much and for that I thank you very much. PS: If the text is not easy to read or contains errors please excuse me, English is not my native language.


Same issue, I found those info in logs file. ``` MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'FolderAssist.get_lstFile'. at kPlug.DefAndParse.kFileParser.GetGirlCardList (System.Collections.Generic.List`1& folderNames) [0x00000] in :0 at kPlug.CmpH.InviteUI.Start () [0x00000] in :0 (Filename: Line: -1) ```


thank you sir. my dream is see more autonomy k-buddy/k-whore sex positon // and possible to make k-buddy gangbang k-whore?


Is it possible to make sure only the girls around me are looking at the camera all the time? If you manipulate the neck of the main girl, the girls around you will also change. There is a follow-up option, but when the body position changes, it will not resume unless the setting screen is opened.

Fun Times

Buddies and extra girls having sex in the background desperately needs a rework on the animations they use. If you put a buddy and a girl together to have sex, they have started with the same 3 or 4 animations for...years now. You have over a hundred animations to choose from now. Please change this for the variety's sake, please. They start with literally the same 3 or 4 standing animations every single time. You have so many other options. It's very boring to see the same animations over and over and over and over and over.

Neko Chaos

Don't mean to pile on, but can the map changer be expanded to all available maps. Doesn't show everything i have


Hello, Katarsys. I have an issue to report, the Kplug will cause the frame rate drop in character maker, this problem has existed long time ago. I have remove all other plugins and mods to test, only the BepInEx core and IPAloader remained, but it still happens. If possible, could you fix it? Thank you so much.


Tried to delete KK_BrowserFolders.dll and still same issue here though im not sure if the problem came from updating to BetterRepack RX15 or just the 3.07 update. Was working fine with RX14 and kplug 3.06


Hey, can I ask about those modified plugins? Do they fix the kplug swapping issue? If they do, I'd love to know more. I tried pm-ing you directly, but it looks like patreon doesn't support that.


First off, thanks for this. Been hoping to see an advanced version of pregnancy in-game, and this definitely delivered. I've noticed that starting from 3.07, I can't open the settings menu anymore from either the main menu or in game. I tried reverting to 3.06, and I can open it just fine there. Have the keys been changed or is this a bug?

Ming Piriyah

Sorry to also nag ya, but I have the same problem that B L E H has, pose selection during h works fine, although cannot open settings in the main menu oh nevermind, I kinda 'fixed' it thanks to Lefty75uk's comment, scroll up to find it If you're reading this and has the same problem, the makeshift 'solution' can be found in the earlier comment of the guy I just mentioned


When I enable 'Girls can get pregnant' the in-map hotkeys like sixth sense and x-ray stop working. They start working again once I turn off pregnancy, did I mess up the installation or is this just a bug?


can buddies impregnant also?

ぱんさん あん

Can the eyes be heart marks during fellatio? (Because it looks like you are absorbed in the act) Also, if there is such a mod, please let me know. Thanking you in advance.

Ye Xia

I am sorry, is there a mod to swap the gender of my card? For example, let a girl have a dick and sex with other girls like what we can do in hs2

Fun Times

I think in KK the only thing you can do is just make a male version. Drag and drop the female card into the male maker and then edit and save as male. But as far as I know there is no way to make 1 card pitch and catch, unfortunately. I wish KPlug did this

verdades A la cara

ce kaplug 3.07 contient-il les postures ci-dessus ? Je demande parce que je suis nouveau sur koikatu. Est-ce que ça marche aussi sur le koikatu d'origine ?