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Sorry, I need the weekend to finish next ksPlug version, it will come late on Sunday or early on Monday. 

That's my fault, I didn't manage my time properly, I worked on kPlug at the same time... The good thing I'm super happy about is that I finally found a way to loop the animations, this will be useful. 

I'm late with ksPlug but it doesn't change the plan; next kPlug is next Friday. It will add a "new" position, I want to try to create alternative versions for some poses from the game, it will not be exactly the same and will have the anal course option, I'm starting with the spread legs positions.




You got this mate. :- )


okay...what do i have to do to get a answer of my problems ? Do you read the comments and problem of your subcribers and try to fix them ? Other Patreon Creators have a Discord to interact with the subcribers to fix some problems get new ideas etc. ....

Virtue 004

No problem welcome back


No worries man take your time. Also I don't know how to invite another boy in h scene besides the protagonist to have an orgy. I don't know if that is possible or if I am missing something. Any help would be most appreciated.


It's all good, bud.


I am very thankful that there is an anal course option! Even with a similar position, just seeing the vagina when inserting anal makes me very excited!


I love the KPLUG additional position because the vagina is free when the anal is inserted, so it feels like anal is the only pleasure. good night then


Femdom chocking mc while riding when?


First off No respect. SECOND OFF most problems can be solved if you actually fucking read the patch notes/guide genius


oh okay..are you the one they can help me ? fine ! ... so in koikatsu ... i can't invite girls/buddys...not with I and not with O .... i have updated hf patch...and installed/updated kplug to the last version 3.05 ..and yes in klpug settings is a yes to invite girls/buudys and i delete a lot of non compatible mods ..... and works ? NO! i have this problem so many times and explain this problem so many times...but there is no help ...but now..you can help me ? ...by the way..i have a lot of respect to Katarsys, his works is great and i support him a long time but if get problems with his work i expect help to fix the problems....


I had the same issue, I had to do a clean install with nothing but betterrepack and the kplug. Sideloader mods like headmod shouldn't matter though


thx to jcl45 .. so I'm not ony with this problem...btw. if i create some kWhore or kBuddy folder in chara folder ... invite is not working ..btw. if i press the I or O nothing happens ... so there is also no other mod on this buttons