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EDIT : My diagnostic was a bit wrong, it's not a bug from KK_BrowserFolders.dll. Version 2.5.1 and probably following ones have an option in the BepInEx setting, 

(Maker/Studio Browser Folder) Avoiding kPlug invitation scan

This option is probably enabled by default, that's why the invitation menu is empty, if you disable it, it works.

Next kPlug version will add an option to define how many cards can be loaded in the invitation menu, it should help people who have a lot of cards to save memory and load H scene quickly. 

I have received various feedback regarding an issue with the invite menu in Free H mode, for some users the girls tab menu is empty.

I did some test with a BepInEx folder that a user with this problem sent to me  and the super great mod that create this problem is 


here the version of this mod is, the version I have in my own BepInEx is and this one is working fine, if you want to test, here it is.


I should have guess the problem was with a recent version of this mod because the same kind of issue happened with hs2Plug, at some point of its history, the KK_BrowserFolders decided to completely handle the UserData/chara/female( and male ) directories, it prevents kPlug to load and list cards from those folders... when it comes to another folder, kWhore or kBuddy it works fine, the used methods are identical, it's just the target folder that change. Conclusion KK_BrowserFolders.dll is shit, I don't know if the problem is the same with version that came after that.

I don't really now what is the BepInEx folder I've used to identify this problem, I've got a zodgame popup window on first launch, but anyway, I was quite surprised by the tons of dlls contained, I don't know what half of them do and I'm quite sure many of them are in best case useless, in worst problematic.

I saw how eager people can be to get new things for their favorite H games, so I can understand why some can't resist to get the latest Repack, the latest HFpatch.... But jeez, open your eyes, 2 or 3 updates of kPlug brings a lot more new content than a new repack or patch. Since the patch or repack projects have started to be on Patreon, the author needs to do frequent updates just to satisfy the fan base, for just minor changes it makes people download and re-downloading Giga Bytes of the exact same datas, it's a big waste of energy.

I'm sorry but I don't have time to make test with every new repack or patch that came out, I'm not making money with a package of other people works but with new content I build myself, and it takes time. 



Frankly, it's either Kplug or the rest at this point. I think we all know which is the superior option.

Vincent Fan

2.5.1 was in HF patch 3.9 but now is 3.13, it become 2.6.2. I think you may want to just catch up with the lates t HF patch 3.X version (update every 2-3 months) as its version updates was mostly fixing the bugs between mods and improve preformance - most of the mod users may not have the capability identify whihc one they really need or not. It probably can also minimize your cost to manage the compability issues with this frequent of HF patch updates.


https://zodgame.xyz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=289855 It's not come from a public repack nor official version folder plugin, It's an identical modified version. For those people who have tons of characters in subfolder, but don't wanna use invitation system. Actually it has switch setting to turn on/off, only works with free mode and come with instructions, these idiot users suck, they never read instructions. It really get pain while you have thousands of cards in free H that load time over minutes, People will be glad that you add some switch for free mode.


You're right and I edited the post, It was presumptuous to think the is the latest version of KK_BrowserFolder, maybe it is solved with a version that came out after this particular one. Between the 2 solutions, a new repack and a new HFpatch, the second option is the best because the file is smaller. It's great to heard the HFpatch versioning focus on fixing bug, but in the example of KK_Browse 2.5.1, it clearly brings a problem when previous versions work fine, quite strange isn't it? To improve performances, reducing the number of dlls looks like the best approach. My BepInEx/plugins folder contains 142 files most of it are dll The BepInEx/plugins folder I play with to identify the problem contains 298 files... I apologize if I'm rude sometimes, but after spending hours isolating dll, launching over and over again the game to find the source of the problem, as you can imagine it doesn't put me in a good mood ;)


Hence why many of us have been with you so long Katarsys. As we already know what product is better and lets face it " No KPlug " Koikatu get's put into storage.


I don't know why but for me its working never had a problem with the invitation menu. I have HF patch 3.13 and kPlug 2.83 with RX 12 repack. I am using the invite menu frequently. I had a little trouble before but I made some mistakes while installing HF patch but after reading the compatibility document I had no issues since.


The invite menu hasen't worked for me in ages. I can't even get the damn window to come up anymore in Free-H. It hasen't bothered me too much, but I have tried trouble shooting it several times. I don't know what is preventing that window from being called at all, from either the "I" or the "o" hotkeys. Maybe Browse_Folders is my issue as well. I will have to test a launch with it disabled later.,


The BrowserFolder plugin 2.5.1 original one from Marco doesn't has those issues at all, please compare the hashes to author's post files then make your conclusion. The one users sent you must be an unique modified one from ZOD forum, it's not a public release. That one is only for those who have tons of characters cards and don't wanna use the Invitation menu. Actually The modified one has switch setting to turn on or off, only works for Free H mode, and come with instructions. Those users suck, they never read instructions. It really get pain if you have thousands of cards in subfolders will load for over minutes, people will be glad if you add some switch for invitation in Free H mode.


If the window is not opening at all, it's not the problem. Check if you have the UnlockAllPosition.dll, delete it if you find it.


If you have the cheat tool ensure the option that unlock all the positions is off in the BepInex settings


I've been getting a lot of bugs as well, I think switching to the regular selection menu might solve a lot of those, but yeah new mods do cause a lot of problems always wary of updating to a new pack.


For me 2.83 did the same thing as a previous update. It break the In-Game AutoTranslator functionnality. Japanese text are not Translated automatically anymore :/


Thanks Katarsys, i have a question, there is a possibility to add overlay textures to male dick like cum,blood in specific situations?


Mr/Ms/Whatever ScrewThisNoise made the mistake of showing how much money they are making from their Repacks a while back on their Patreon and it sickened me. I don't know how someone can make money for basically repackaging a commercial game for pirating. The person just adds plugins and mods that other people make, usually without describing what they do, and just adding the newest versions, which might break things, just incrementing the version number. I support Katarsys because the content of the kplug makes KK more playable for those of us who actually buy the Illusion games. I won't support ScrewThisNoise, though.


I don't know how to buy the original game but I always remove all of the mods(as much as I can) from ScrewThisNoise and I always use the revert back to original code while installing kPlug. I never understood those huge downloads of the ScrewThisNoise versions and if you read the changelog there is hardly any change. Downloading 40+ GB every 1-2 week for a minor mod update doesn't make sense. I asked for help once on their Discord and I revealed to them that I am using kPlug and they turned evil on me like I'm an enemy. They are making money on a pirated game and they are mad about me using kPlug? Doesn't make sense. I don't get why they want to control the modders so much... they want all of them to join their little cult. Like I'm not allowed to do my own thing, really? I'll become an outcast just because I refuse to bend to their demands? Ok.. thats what turned me away from them, their militant, radical look on the modding community. There are some cool people there, I don't want to paint everyone with the same brush but most of them are very radical when it comes to kPlug. Their argument is that Katarsys doesn't want to share his code, its not open source. So what? Thats not a reason to hate someone just because that person wants to be more of an individual and create his own stuff/vision of a mod. They try to make Katarsys look like this evil person who refuses to share his code with them. Whats wrong with someone who wants to create his own stuff and not mix it with others? They just want to use his work to make even more money. A couple of weeks ago I made some suggestions to Katarsys about kPlug and he refused while explaining to me why. He refused because those changes that I suggested to him would have went against his vision. From that answer I decided to became a permanent supporter of kPlug. I respect people who have a vision and stick by their vision. Looking at ScrewThisNoise from my perspective its a huge mixed mod mess while kPlug is more clean and organized and on a defined path to become even greater.


Good news with the edit! ^^


Not gonna lie, my only problems atm are : 1. Sometimes after inviting girls, only invited ones stays in one place whole game until reset. 2. Its only my bug or somthg that message box dissapeared? If that was removed then no more problems.


I have a lot of cards, this is good news


In my case, it happened when the folder name contained double-byte characters (or full width characters?), for example, "UserData\chara\female\カード".


PCゲームにおいてフォルダ名を日本語にするのはトラブルのもとにしかなりません。英数字に変えればそのトラブルは起きません。In PC games, making the folder name in Japanese only causes trouble. If you change to Latin letters, that trouble will not occur.


Ah, I think it might have been the cheat tool, I didn't even realize I still had that unlock box checked. Ill like just end up tossing that mod, as I generally don't use it much anyways.


It should work, try to change your Windows regional UNICODE option to Japanese at least once.


I tried to invite other male characters or futa in the H-scene using kplug. However, when I opened up invitation menu, there's only "All", "Class number", "Story" tabs, no buddies tab. I already created "kBuddy" folder in Chara folder and put some cards there already. How to fix this? Thanks


I'm getting the empty invitation list bug and I don't really understand what you're saying in your solution on how to solve it. Could you explain it in more details or in another way?