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Hello! I'm Gorilla X3.
I'm going to talk about my patreon, which will change from next month.

First, please understand my poor English.
(I'm completely helped by the Google Translate.😅)

What I'm going to talk about is the same as the title!😆
From February 1th, my CC will be changed to public without AdFly after 3 weeks(Exactly 20 days) of early access.

And I will change all previous CC to full public without Adfly.

There are no changes to existing tiers.
All tiers will have early access to my CC without discrimination.

I was originally going to change it that way when Sims 5 was released,
Recently, my Tumblr account was terminated, and that triggered me to execute the plan faster than expected.

There will be a lot of people who support me just because they don't want Adfly,
I'm really sorry to those who didn't want this change.😔
Thank you.

If you want to cancel your membership, please refer here.😥

안녕하세요 고릴라X3입니다.
다음달 부터 바뀌는 제 패트리온에 대해 이야기 하려고 합니다.

제가 말하고자 하는 것은 제목과 같습니다.😆
2월 1일에 업로드 되는 CC템을 시작으로 3주간(정확히는20일)의 얼리 액세스 후 애드플라이 없는 전체 공개로 전환 됩니다.
그 이전의 제 모든 CC템들은 애드플라이를 제거할 예정이구요.

기존 티어에는 변화가 없습니다.
차별없이 모든 티어가 얼리 액세스 권한을 가지게 됩니다.

원래는 심즈5가 출시 되면 그렇게 하려고 생각하고 있었는데
최근 텀블러 계정정지 되어서 예상보다 빠르게 그렇게 하게 되었습니다.

애드플라이 하나만으로 저를 후원해주시는 분들 많이 계실텐데
이 변화를 원치 않는 분들께 정말 죄송하다는 말씀을드리겠습니다.😔

더이상의 후원을 원하지 않으시면 이곳을 참조해주세요.😥



love your CC so I am here to support always


Thank you for doing this! I'll continue to support you (I wish I could afford to give you more, I love your CC), but I'm so pleased to hear that you intend to get rid of adfly for everyone -- I prefer it, even, and think it's so good of you and gives me even more reason to support you. Much love! x


Adfly has a lot of bad reviews, but it was a good incentive for me, so I often thought about it.😥 But looking at my patrons and your comments, I think I made a good decision and I feel relieved. Thank you very much for your support!!❤❤🥰