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I don't like getting serious on these things, but I'm gonna have to here.

God this week has just sucked for me

My kids got sick, my wife got sick, I got sick, and to top it all off it looked for a while that my Mum's cancer was back (it wasn't, thankfully)

This has caused my already high-anxiety I was already on meds for to SKYROCKET. I genuinely had a day long panic attack and it fucking sucked

So what I'm getting at? I'm taking a break from making content. I'm shutting off discord, tuning out on Reddit, Patreon will still be on but only because of scheduled uploads, I'm just so damn exhausted that I need to chill for a little while and be with my family and not on a computer

Deuces, Uces





Hey dude, hope everything works itself out... I love these wholesome (and not so wholesome) posts! We'll be here when you get back, but the most important thing to remember is "Take your time"


Totally understand, you take as much time as you need. :)