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Here is a little preview for the piece I am currently working on. :>

Usually I do some basic shading on the main character before I do the background but here I did it the other way around because the background has more details and characters than usual and I wanted to get it out of the way as soon as possible.
I also threw in a version without the cropping border, just to show you how weird it looks. :D
You can even see a whole tree I sketched in on the left, which didn't make it in the crop I went for in the end.
The blur effect is achieved with a Filter Mask layer.



Yellow SnowLeopard

Today was the Summer Solstice and it's backed up by a full moon tomorrow night. I see Lucy is getting in the spirit.

Killer Space

Say, is this just an expected thing in Lucy's neck of the woods? I imagine passers-by just go "oh, Lucy!"