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Here is today's piece in well behaved HD for my well behaved patrons (that's you! you are the well behaved patron. :D)




i was worried when i saw the notification, only hecause i thought id have feet in my face, not a foot fan, ty sniff


This is the second piece you’ve posted that adds color to Lucy’s eyes since Fancy Fox but the boxier snout is reminiscent of your early dog characters


You're right! :> I found that the direct sun-light shining on her face should also emphasize the eye color so the eyes don't completely look like dark voids. :S Also funny you noticed the more boxy snout. I made it more angular to visually communicate the perspective better. If you pay attention to it you can actually see that in almost all my pieces that have slightly upward turned heads. The one I did recently where Lucy is standing in front of the blinds that cast those horizontal shadows on her body has a similar box-shaped snout as well. :D