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I thought it might be interesting for you to see how rough I sometimes do the backgrounds.
I always have the character on a completely separate layer group, so I can draw the background behind. That often leads to some extremely rough looking and unfinished parts where the character is in front. You can see that very clearly on the radiator which stops existing behind judy's hips and legs. :D

It is a bit like on a movie set where an environment only needs to exist within the frame.

For me it is about efficiency. There is no reason for me to spend time and energy on something that won't be visible in the finished piece.

That was enough art-nerding for now! :D
Have a great start of your week. :> (and rest of your week!)




i was expecting a different Judy post lol, this is phenomenal


I'll keep it at one piece a day, otherwise I'll keel over! 😅 And thank you! :>

Killer Space

Did you learn art yourself, or have you taken courses?


I'd say 80% self-taught, 20% online-courses. Whenever I see some interesting online course that's affordable I usually buy it and work through it. :> I found that even terrible ones have 1-2 nuggets of wisdom in it. If you're interested in learning how to illustrate, Schoolism has a very good track record of good courses! I've learned a lot about character design and design in general from there. (it's a subscription model though, so you can't buy individual courses)