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How am i meant to recover from this insanity?? Guess i only can by continuing to watch and internally scream.... bruh.




The moment when Reiner got attacked by Levi is the only moment in the whole show, where I think it is not that super written as the restā€¦ because technically Reiner should not have been able to survive that attack through his neckā€¦ There is a joke among fans that the true special power of Reinerā€™s titan is that it is ā€œPlot Armored Titanā€ šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Reiner is Hajime Isayamaā€™s favorite character, so it was explained Reiner transfered his consciousness to different part of his body, so he didnā€™t get killed from the attackā€¦ Fan fact: Isnā€™t it weird that all those titans appeared there out of nowhere?? Now I realized I cannot say one thing yetā€¦ but at least you already know how titans are created, so even with that information it is weird that those people would be just standing there before the transformation and nobody would notice them thereā€¦ Wellā€¦ they buried them and they put pipes into the ground, so they could breathe šŸ˜¬šŸ’€ I am not sure if it was possible to be seen in this episode or if it is in upcoming one, but there is a shot, in which there is like a small pipe in the ground for no reason and you wonā€™t even notice it on your own, because it is there basically as an easter egg (kind of literally), but in case anyone would be curious even this is explained by this small detail.


Oh! You already know about the Cart Titan! (The one you didnā€™t know the name) Soā€¦ how many Titan Shifters do you know? And do you know their powers as well? To answer your question: ā€œWhere is Bertholdt?ā€ šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Letā€™s say they (Titan Shifters) didnā€™t show us their whole plan, when Reiner got out and people were turned into those titans thereā€¦

The Comfy Corner šŸŒ»

Unfortunately yes I knew about the cart titan, but not who it is, I just remember seeing images and a video on IG way back when and was likeā€” ew. Weird. Thankfully I canā€™t remember who it is šŸ‘šŸ» I figured thereā€™s way more to that ambush and I just needa wait and see šŸ˜† Iā€™m NOT ready lol