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Hey guys~

So! Anime. I wanna keep 2-3 in rotation at a time and I’m wondering what to do come May. Demon Slayer is coming back and I wanna obviously put that on the roster immediately when it does. But that means 1 of the 3 I’m watching now needs to take a break.

I can either make that Hunter or Haikyu.

I will be finishing season one of Haikyu this week (surprise!) so it can be on a break. Same with Hunter, I’ll be wrapping up Greed Island. So at least those story lines will not get left off at weird points or close to the end of the arc. I’m just attached to both and I can’t decide and besides, it’s not up to me it’s up to you guys 💕

So lemme know what you think~ so I can plan for the month ahead ✨




Since I'm not a big anime watcher (or at least of these particular series, tho I like Haikyuu somewhat) - my advice would be for balance. Are all of these series on the same level of intensity? I would keep on at least one more lighthearted series to balance out the others. So I guess I'm saying keep Haikyu? Lol


It would be good to have someone, who has seen both, to be able to tell what is about to happen in the upcoming arc… The thing is I don’t know much about Haikyū!!, so obviously I am more curious about those things, which are about to happen in Hunter x Hunter. But that’s biased point of view 😅😅 Also since Hunter x Hunter is the show, which kicked off anime club back there on that patreon, it has been a while since we started this show. 🤔🤔 Only episodes-wise Haikyū!! has less (60 more after you finish the first one), but with Hunter x Hunter it is just 70 something, which is not big difference and also that means we are right in the middle, whereas with Haikyuu!! we are still at the beginning. I guess after you finish the first season, think about it from the perspective how much you will be hyped to see more and compare it with the arcs of Hunter x Hunter, which are after this one. Basically with all of this I am trying to justify, why I want Hunter x Hunter, but as I said, I know I am biased in this… 😅😅 I’ll ask chatGPT to make my final vote