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Hi! It’s been quite the week.

My brother and his fiancé left yesterday afternoon so there are no further obligations to be at and attend for wedding stuff.

On the flip side, I’ve been working out a lot lately. Walking by myself or with Daisy, boxing, and just general going to the gym stuff ☺️

It’s been so great, I’m starting to feel like a person again with my hormones finally starting to balance out. Eating healthier too. I know I’m mentally pretty bad but I’m working on doing good healthy things for my mind and my body and not fall back into old and bad habits 👍🏻

Another fun or interesting update, I am applying to colleges to do some online school. Just for classes that might be beneficial to me like business, marketing and art 🤩🥳

I’m really working at resetting my life and trying not to feel like a failure 💪🏻

I’ll have more updates coming, and maybe a video. God, livestreaming would be so much more fun,, if twitch would let me 🙃

Anyways, hope you are all having a lovely day 🌻




Great to see you doing/feeling better! Just remember there’s no need to rush~ One step at a time and one slow but firm step is what matters most🤍

Jasmine sumner

That's amazing Blair. So happy for you. You're doing great. I'm trying to eat healthier too. Wishing you the best success. You're going to do amazing. Always here to support you. 😃