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Hi homies. This is kinda just gonna be a random lil post going over some of the projects and stuff I'm working on right now that you can maybe look forward to. Kind of a general status update of me and what I'm making I guess


I recently got back in touch with the homie who was doing the sprites for the game. Unfortunately, they won't be able to work on it anymore and haven't really been for awhile anyway, so I've decided I'm just gonna do the whole game by myself and start prioritizing it now, since it's way overdue at this point

I started doing some art for it yesterday. It'll take awhile to get the game done, especially because I'm thinking I wanna try and make this the first like legit good game that I've made so far. Luckily, I already planned out the whole story like over a year ago or whatever, so the basic structure and the cast of the game's already figured out

Since it's been a super long time since it was announced to now, all of the art I did for it is pretty ugly and outdated, so I unfortunately have to scrap all of the dialogue portraits (which sucks cuz I finished all of them), as well as the coupla sex scenes I did and start over from scratch. My art's a lil better than back then, so it should look overall nicer, and I think I've developed a better system for the game sex scenes through MOMMY MANHANDLER, so it'll definitely be an improvement, but it will also obviously take awhile to redo all of that and draw all the new stuff I need too

I don't really know what I'm gonna do about the sprite situation, since I suck ass at drawing sprites, but I'll figure something out. I'll be posting some BACKSTAGE BLOG posts on the website every once in awhile as I make some decent progress, but I won't be uploading the game until it's all the way done, since like I said, I'd like for this to be my first decent game lol so I don't wanna share it before it's ready

idk how long it's gonna take; prolly won't be done until early next year, but we'll see. I'll try not to take too long, and I'm sorry it's been almost 2 years since it was announced and I'm only really NOW starting on it


I've also started planning out another comic series that's basically just a sequel to the Sophie one I have on the BRAVE BANGERS site. This one will be about Sophie AND Phoebe, which should be fun

It'll prolly be posted one page at a time every few weeks like the first one. Dunno when the first page'll be done; I'll prolly wait until I also have the second page ready before I start posting just so I don't fall too far behind on posting them in a timely enough pace, but we'll see lol I'm pretty shit at consistency


And one last lil project announcement - since my site is about to hit 100,000 views soon (thx homies!!), I'm planning on doing another BIG BANG BONENANZA to celebrate

If you don't know, it's a lil multi-part story series thing I did where I collabed with some writers and had a buncha peeps send in their OCs and they all had a big orgy thingie

It was really fun, and now that my OC stuff actually seems to be doing a lot better with the peeps who follow me than back then, I feel like it's worth doing another one, and this seems like the best time to do so

I'm not 100% sure what the theme/premise of this one's gonna be, and I'm open to any last minute suggestions if you guys have any. I have a few ideas floating around in my head, but I'm not sure which, if any of them, will be fun or interesting enough, or work for a multi-part series like this. We'll see

So yeh, that's kinda what I've got going on right now and in the nearish future. And ofc I'll also still be doing regular drawings now and then, updating MOMMY MANHANDLER, a new raffle at the start of next month, etc




Down for all of this, happy to see the return of BLOOD BITER BEATDOWN 2 and exicted to see where BIG BANG BONENANZA 2024 goes :)