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Hi homies. Here's an early access version of the Backstage Blog post coming up next week:

Hi homies here’s another lil preview post of what I’ve been working on for MOMMY MANHANDLER and future plans for the game and shit like that

Smaller Updates

So, I guess we'll just start with the bad news first. For the next few months, updates will be smaller than before. I'll still maintain the monthly schedule, but they'll be lighter on content. It's been tough maintaining all of my projects, and I guess it's been leading to the game quality suffering too, since 90% of the feedback I get on the game nowadays is negative, pointing out issues with the game, etc, and it's been pretty demotivating

I don't wanna give up on the game or anything, but I'm not in a great space to work on it a ton, so I'll just be doing small updates for awhile and tryna fix some of the problems that're still in the game. Sorry if that's not a good enough update pace for you or if you've had a buncha issues so far. I'll try and get those dealt with as soon as I can

New Characters

Though the next few updates will be small, I am still working on introducing some new characters within them. Most of them are the ones that I've shown previews of in previous Backstage Blog posts so I won't bother bringing those up again here

There's a few new ones I'm working on as well, like Sophie:

If you're familiar with my stuff outside of MOMMY MANHANDLER, you've prolly seen her around before, since she's one of my favorites (especially to pair with Hiroto specifically). If you're not, she's the mother of another one of my characters, BB, and she's also a long-time friend of Hana and Phoebe. While she doesn't live in Hook Haven, she occasionally pops up into Hiroto's life every few years whenever the moms can schedule a lil reunion meetup to hangout

Naturally, growing up around a hot-ass MILF like Sophie has led to Hiroto crushing on her. She'll appear in the game during the HOODLUM Era, and he will of course want to fuck her. However, her lewd content in the game will for now just be DIRTY DREAM scenes, as they don't canonically start smashing until further in the timeline, but I definitely can't make a game about Hiroto banging MILFs without including her. For anything more than that, you'll have to wait until the eventual HEAVEN Era

Another new character/area/feature coming soon is the Sweet Escape club - a lil secret night club meetup place thingie where hot people go to fuck and stuff. You'll be able to access it in the HOODLUM Era if you have the club invite item, and inside you'll mostly interact with one of the main ladies there named Honey. The main purpose there is that you can pay money to improve your stats, buy new sex skills, etc. You can also occasionally get a sex scene with a mystery partner. More on that later

If you've played Ver 1.5, you might've gotten some dialogue from Harmonaea, the goddess who enlisted Hiroto's help back in HYPER HAREM HENSHIN HERO. While you only get her voice/dialogue in Ver 1.5, soon she'll start getting more art when she gets properly introduced in a future update for the HERO Era

She's a very big lady and most of her presence will revolve around some future HERO Missions. And while she'll have some special lewd scenes in her big natural form, she'll also debut her "human" form, where she can temporarily take on a smaller form to better interact with the world/try out more conventional sex with Hiroto. This "human" form is still eight feet tall, but that's workable


My plan is for the game to have 4 different Eras covering different little time periods in Hiroto's life, each with their own unique collection of mommies. So far, the HOODLUM and HERO Eras have been implemented, and cover Hiroto at 18 and present day 24 respectively

There will eventually be a HEAVEN Era, which will cover a hypothetical future and have a lot more what-if scenarios and stuff since the timeline hasn't gotten that far. You can expect to do more "out there" stuff like picking girls to marry and knock up

But before that, there's a third Era that needs to happen, that being the HUNTER Era. This'll take place in between HOODLUM and HERO, and cover Hiroto's life at 21, and it's also when he's at his worst as a person. While he's just kind of a dumb horndog in HOODLUM and a douchebag trying to turn into a good person in HERO, in HUNTER, he's a full-on asshole with no qualms about fucking taken girls and talking shit to anyone and everyone

I'm currently planning out how that'll start off, and I'm looking to implement it within the next few months and start updating it concurrently with the other Eras. It's been pretty interesting so far coming up with the story, his personality, and of course the unique mamas to be found in this arc, and hopefully it turns out fun for you guys too

That's where the game's at right now. Again, sorry about the bugs and glitches and other problems with the game. I'll try and address those as soon as I can

As always, thx everybuddy who's been keeping up with the game and supporting it and all that




I really like the idea of the heaven era and being able to pick who you wanna end up with makes a lot of sense


Take care of yourself, you're doing good work here