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I wasn’t stupid enough to be clueless about the situation I was in.  It was painfully obvious what was happening.

This man, Arione, must have been the master that Scarlet talked about.  I was up against a Grade-2 mage and his apprentice, Scarlet, had stepped in to help.  I had no idea how Scarlet had found out that I was doped up on stacks of buffs, but there were few spells available to a grade-8 mage like Scarlet which could take them away.  He had probably used [Back to Square One]. 

“Don’t panic.  It’s not all of them.  There’s no way a grade-8 mage has enough mana to get rid of that many buffs at once.  I still have some of them, just that the majority of them are gone.”

More importantly than that though, I finally saw her.

Her pink hair rustled in the wind, framing her heart-shaped face.  She stood on the disc and the dark-green robes she had around her shoulders billowed out behind her, a stark contrast between the bright pink of her hair.  Her mismatching eyes were looking right at me, reflecting the flames all around us.  They weren't filled with blame, nor confusion.

Just worry.

“Lock… your fingers.”  She was talking about the fingers that had been cut off by the berserker. Without a priestess, it was impossible to hear lost limbs.

“Clover.”  I choked out.  “L’teya is she...”

She moved aside on the floating disc and I breathed a sigh of relief.

L’teya had her eyes closed, unconscious, but her chest was still rising and falling.

Lety was alive.

All the weight I’d been carrying, all the what-ifs and all the guilt of not being with them disappeared from my heart.  I hadn’t betrayed them just to save my own skin.  I hadn’t left them behind in Samak City.  I hadn’t chosen to believe in a farfetched dream of all three of us surviving to meet another day which could never be reality.

They were alive.

Clover must have felt the same.  “Lock, your fingers let me-”


Arione’s voice cracked like a whip and I was startled at the authority that had been behind the voice. The man's demeanor had done a complete turnaround.

The handsome elf mage’s face was scrunched up into a scowl, like he had just tasted something bitter.  Gone was the flippant attitude with which he’d been approaching our fight.  He lifted into the air as mana answered his call, flying above my head and landing on the disc with Clover and Scarlet.  He faced the pink-haired priestess.

“Clover.  You have some explaining to do.”

Clover didn’t back cower before the mage, as a sheep might do when faced with a wolf.  Instead she stood up straight –though almost two heads shorter than him– and matched his anger without flinching.

“What explaining? I think you’re the one who has to explain to me why you attacked Lock after I specifically said-”

“I didn’t attack him.”  Arione snarled.  “I attacked the slaves, nobles and orcs that were trailing behind him.  You know what our agreement is with Akka Xaluds.  If we don’t-”

“Don’t try that on me.”  Clover snapped right back.  “This-”

A greater centipede lurched out of one of the alleyways, revealing itself in the light of the fire.  

Without batting an eye, Arione waved his hand towards it.  A blade of greenish-wind cleaved the creature in two, killing it instantly.

“He was protecting orcs.  We are NOT allowed to leave any orcs alive.  That was the deal we made.” 

“We also made a deal to get my friends out alive.  What were you doing-”

“I didn’t lay a finger on him.  If I wanted to, he’d be dead.”  Arione narrowed his eyes.  “And you know it, Ms. Weinport.”

This time, Clover did flinch.

So she believed that I was weaker than Arione. But if he really was grade-2...

“So you need to convince your friend, Lock Slaveborn, to help us track down and kill the remaining orcs.  Including the group he just let get away from my fingers.”

Only the quiet crackling of embers and the distant screaming of the [Mother Centipede] could be heard.

“...What?”  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

This guy wanted me to kill those innocent people? Orc or not, slave or noble, I was not going to dirty my hands. If anything he was the one who had to pay for attacking us and taking the live of that orc warrior.  I waited for Clover to say something.  I knew that she wouldn’t allow-


The tone in her voice made me flinch. It scared me much more than the anger in Arione's.


“Were you… protecting those orcs?”

I gritted my teeth; even if I wanted to lie there was no meaning in it.  “...Yes.”


Why was I protecting them? How could I possibly explain to her everything that had happened since I'd been locked away?

That I was a loser back in my world and suddenly felt like playing Hero? That I got attached to Skaris and Kyrian? That the dying berserker who I made a promise to meant something in this once meaningless life of mine? That the last few hours I’d spent fighting side by side with Kellin and the other slaves created a bond between us that I couldn’t put into words?

Why was it that whenever Clover asked me to answer something, it was never simple.  It was always complicated and my fucking ineptitude made me unable to put my feelings into the right words.  Talking should be simple. I opened my mouth and the words that came out should reflect what I wanted to say.  But no matter what I tried to say, I couldn’t even think of what I wanted to say.

Why did I become so stupid in front of Clover? Every single fucking time? It was like the steps I took forward to improve myself all become nothing when it was time for them to count.

But I had to say something.

“I made a promise.”  The moment the words left my mouth, I knew it was the wrong thing to say.

“To protect the orcs?” Her voice rose. "Do you hear what you're saying, Lock?" 

“Yes, but-”

“Do you know what they did to L’teya?”  I saw that Clover was on the verge of crying.  “They took away her armor.  They took away her weapons.  They put her in a dress and gave her make-up.  Like… Like she was some kind of whore or pretty toy that some noble should buy and play with.  She hasn’t even woken up yet Lock.  What if they did stuff to her? What if they did things... like... like...”

Clover couldn't even finish the sentence. "Do you not remember what they did to us?"

I knew in my heart without a doubt that the orcs were not the type of people to hurt L'teya in that way.  Orcs and beastman would never do that. If they meant to hurt L'teya it would have been in battle. As a warrior.

But that was just my opinion and thoughts. I had no proof. Saying those words...  It would do nothing to make the situation better.

“Clover, the people I protected had nothing to do with-” I wanted to explain to her that the ones I had been protecting had been civilians.

“I saw you with them, Lock.  They were orc warriors.  High ranking ones.”

“Berserkers.  Pretty much the centerpiece of the orc military strength.”  Arione chimed in, and I wanted to slit that damned throat of his.

“Lock… what happened in the last three days?” Clover's voice was cold. "You... how can you be with those monsters?"

This was not how it should be going.  I wanted to explain.

"Clover please just listen to me for a second, just-"

"Just answer me! Why are you protecting them? Do you know the things I had to do to get away from those monsters? What we all suffered at their hands? They enslaved us Lock. How can you stick up for those things after they-"

God, why was this so fucking frustrating?! Why was she being so frustrating? Why the hell was I so stupid?

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!”  I snapped at her.  “They’re not all bad people, some of them are honorable warriors who are trying to do the best for their people.  The ones I am with aren’t even warriors-”

“Ha! He’s sticking up for them!” Arione exclaimed.

“One more word I will slit your throat, elf.”  I had enough of him.

Clover’s eyes widened at my outburst.

I could’ve sworn I saw the elf-mage smile.


We were far away enough from the temple that most of the centipede-type monsters falling from [Mother centipede] weren’t near.  But we weren’t far enough; the monsters that survived the deadly fall had wiped out most of the survivors and were starting to look for more food.  They were crawling over in this direction.

One centipede soldier peaked its head from the corner behind them on top of a rooftop.  I saw it gather its legs to jump.

Before anyone else could react, I picked up my fallen sword and bounded on top of a falling pillar in front of me, running across the length of it.  I jumped and bounced off of the opposite wall, landing on the rooftop behind the disc.  I saw Arione gather his hands to cast a spell but I was faster, much faster. My legs pumped into a full-out sprint towards the Centipede Soldier.  At the last second, I broke my sprint and slid on my knees; the steel greaves protecting my skin from the stone.

I used my shield to deflect the soldier’s downward blow and cut its legs off on one side.  These monsters were heavy with thick exoskeleton and weaponry in their arms; without both legs balancing them they were nothing.

I got up from my knee-slide and spun once, beheading the creature with my sword.

Now I was on the rooftop of the burning building, nearly eye-level with Clover, Arione and Scarlet.

I saw what I looked like in the reflection of Scarlet’s eyes.

Flames burned behind me, shrouding most of my features in shadow.  My eyes… weren’t just black-brown anymore.  They were nearly black all the way through; no doubt a side-effect of the Shadow Wolf Mimic’s Core.  Some Core’s caused superficial changes which became more pronounced in battle when you used the Core’s abilities.  My hair looked more unkempt than ever and it had grown longer, they almost reached my back.

I looked like some kind of demon from hell.

“Clover… do you remember my story about [Players]?”  Arione started.

“I never explained what they were, did I? They’re people from another world.  They are given a body; just like our own.  Some people hear that and think, ‘what’s the harm in that? They’re not hurting anyone!’”

“But that’s where they’re wrong.”  Arione began to rise into the air from the disc.  “They don’t see us as people.  They see us as just toys for their use.  I put that clause in our vow for a reason, Clover.  I had a suspicion that your friend might be a player.  The name Slaveborn? It’s obviously fake.  Your stories about how he led you and L’teya in the dungeon? Who got out of it with the best deal? He did.”

He continued and every word he said hammered into Clover.

I had to stop him but something in Clover’s eyes stopped me.


“Been here barely a month and he can kill a grade-7 Centipede Soldier single handedly.  There’s no adventurer who can grow so fast.  They’re demons, Clover.  They come into our world knowing all the secrets and they just take and take and take.  Look, he already sided with the orcs who were just taking things from us.”  

“Ask him Clover.” He finished. "Ask him... if he's a [Player] or not. Look him in the eye and ask him."

She hesitated but Arione had picked on the long insecurity that Clover had ever since the day we met.  She was always wary of my motives.  She never liked the fact that I gave them a 'fake' name.  She never liked how L’teya defended me from her; when all she wanted to do was make sure that I was indeed on their side.

She never liked that I could never give her a straight answer. Ever. Even now.


Her voice trembled and my heart stopped beating.

I knew what was coming and what would happen, but I was powerless to stop it. No matter how much strength I got in MSS... even if I was a grade-1 adventurer with the best Cores in the world, in this I could do nothing.

“Is it… true? Are you… a ”  She sounded scared like a little girl asking if her parents were still there.

“I am.” I didn't want to lie anymore.

But this would be the last time I tell the truth.

Never again will I make the mistake I did on that night.  

Never again, will I tell people my true identity. 

 Never again, will I betray the trust of someone who risked their life for me.

Never again will I let myself fall victim to the scheming and plotting of others.

And I knew… I just knew.

Never again, will Clover and I be the same ever again.

“Get to safety.”  Arione said and he glided down from the platform landing in front of me.

“Master… are you going to?...”  Scarlet’s eyes met mine; I saw confusion, pain and regret.

“Yes.”  He stretched side to side.  “It’s been awhile since I’ve killed a [Player].”

I wasn’t dumb enough to think he was as flippant as he acted.  All the jokes, all the humor and the easy-going manner that I had picked up from him during the battle; it was all an act.  Anyone who believed otherwise was an idiot falling for his ruse.

The disc holding Scarlet and Clover disappeared from view, most likely an obscuring spell.

Clover was safe.  L’teya was safe with her.  Skaris and Kyrian should have led everyone out of here.

I should run from him.

Did I have a chance against this mage? From what Scarlet told me, he was grade-2.  A grade-2 mage would be hunting exclusively bosses and running secret dungeons, not to mention that his level could be anywhere between the 70s-80s.  Since I had just hit 20; common sense told me that I couldn’t kill him, much less defeat him.

But I also had the Core of a named Shadow Mimic Wolf and it was currently night.  Then there was Ujo’s [Arcane Masochism].

I remembered the words that flashed on my computer screen, like a distant memory.


「 You are the 1st [Player] from Earth to finish the [TUTORIAL] on [ORIGINAL DIFFICULTY] 」


If this guy was a [Player]... well, he certainly wasn’t better than me.  Atleast… at the very least, I wanted to punch him in the face and wipe that smug expression off of his face.

“What was your screen name? On the forums you know?”  He asked casually, finishing his stretches.  “Mine was ThatOneOtherReader.  Yours?”

He was revealing his true colors once again.  With his mana sense, he could probably tell Clover and Scarlet were gone.  There was no way a snake like him would say such information in front of them.  They probably had no idea that he was a [Player] himself.

“Meh.  I guess it doesn’t matter.  So… any last words?”

“There are two ways to annoy people.  Do you know what they are?”

“Oh a riddle?! A story? Rhetoric?”  He clapped like a little girl but I knew it was just to bring his hands closer, ready to form handseals at a moment's notice.  

I wonder how many times he used tactics like that to bring his hands closer to each other; playing the clown when in reality, it was just to give himself a split second edge in battles like this.

My finger stumps closed around the shied strap while the binding around the sword’s hilt creaked as I tightened my grip.

“The first… is to leave something unsaid.”

His eyes twinkled.

“The second?”

“The second is-”  I rushed towards him; our surroundings becoming a blur.

Just like I thought, his claps turned midmotion into handseals.  He was using magic and I could predict which one.  Even without my buffs, there was no way a Mage’s body could catch up to the [Physical] stats of a pure-bred adventurer who relied only on Cores.  I might not have any equipment yet, but I had Cores that were multiple grades higher than anything I should have had at my level.

His smug expression turned into panic; the spell wasn’t working.

“What the, my spell it’s-”

Everything was decided the moment I cut his knee earlier and the name of the spell I stole lit up in my brain.  He had used [Fire Ball] and [Razor Winds] meaning that most of his Mana Cores were of the Fire and Wind attributes.  But when trying to slow me down, he used [Dark Tendrils].  Not the best disabling spell a grade-2 mage could cast… but considering his offensive power, probably the best among his arsenal.

Now he wanted to cast it again, except that I stole it.

I knew it’d come down to this.

I didn’t have to kill that Soldier Centipede.  But I did, so I could be in range to cast the stolen spell.  I kept him talking and excited so that he wouldn’t realize it.  Him stepping down from the disc was a boon; I’d hate to have cast the spell on all four of them but I had been ready to do it.

So thank you Arione.

Thank you for the spell. Thank you for coming this close to me. Thank you for being dumb enough to fall for my tricks, so confident in your superiority.

I pointed with my sword at his feet and the ground beneath it turned into a cesspit of black tentacles, writhing and latching onto the startled mage.

「 Lock Slaveborn has cast [Dark Tendrils 」

Everything had been calculated.



I don’t think a webnovel has made feel such visceral rage and disgust at a character in a while

Jeremy Humphrey

he was always do anything as long as we got to survive he would always do anything as long as we got to survive