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So. I'm kinda fed up with people stealing my stuff, including (and especially) works already free/public on gamebanana.


  • Pretty much all of my works are redistributed and showcased without credits, that's against my terms and a desecration of my art, because to me, the artist is part of the art. It's also unfair to milk content of the work of someone else and not give anything in return.

  • So future mods I make will only be shared with people I trust.

  • And already posted mods are only staying on GB so that I can strike content creators that refuse to credit upon being asked.

By "stealing", I mean redistributing and showcasing without credits (like what arca does - putting it there is one thing, not crediting is another), and I'm also talking about content creators that showcase mods without credits. Some (like 1 in 10) are reasonable, and add them if asked. Others act as if mods appear by magic and take no effort at all, or argue that, because we are taking content from the game, we don't deserve credits anyway (again, do they think custom models are made with magic or were already in the game and we just materialized them?).

Either way, the idiots are forgetting that, if modders stopped making their creations public, they would run out of things to milk in order to get views. Other modders won't take that step, but I will.

(btw, I realized that some people think this is about monetary credits?? No, it's not about money. I thought this was common knowledge, but credits means saying the source/creators of something)

Now, I create for the community. I love seeing people have fun with my stuff - making my designs usable was literally the reason why I migrated from 2D skins imitating the style of genshin (like all works in this page prior to March of 2023) to 3D and modding. I really, really wish i could just keep letting everyone enjoy it. But not everyone respects modders and, to me, the artist is part of the art, and so sharing my art without me is a desecration of my works.

(And, you know, letting this go encourages the same kind of disrespect towards artists that made AI bros feel so entitled to our stuff.)

That said, I will still share my future works with trustworthy people. That will keep happening until somehow the link to my stuff leaks out, or someone uploads it and pretends they are the author. And I will still manage to at least prove I am the og creator, because before sharing the link, I will post watermarked images of my models on social media - so if anything happens, I can show the date of my posts.

If you ever made a collab with me, and/or you think I should consider you trustworthy, but you didn't receive my mods... reach out to me on discord. I probably just forgot to add you to my list xD

My mods already on gamebanana will remain there. There's no point in removing them when they are already redistributed, and that way, I can keep using gamebanana protections to strike down content creators that refuse to add credits after I politely reach out.

I will also slowly update all of my old posts alerting for what happened and explaining my decision, besides reminding people that fixes for old mods exist and all of that.

You can keep following the skins I create on social media (twitter | instagram), since I'm still going to create mods, and eventually learn how to do renders. At least with watermarked images, even if they get reposted, people can't remove me from the work as easily

I'm sorry to those that I didn't get to befriend and trust, that will miss out on my mods. You can still hangout in the SFW Mods Server if you are a nice person and want to plea for your case xD

Please don't try to convince me to change my mind. I already explained that I think the artist is part of the art, and even if you disagree, I'm sure you know that several creators agree. That's why many modders already left or privatized their stuff, yet we keep letting this continue without bigger measures.

So this is basically a kind of statement. I already know exactly how to announce it on GB too, with my final mod there, and I kinda really think that, if more creators did this, we could raise some awareness. Or not. Maybe I'm just being stupidly hopeful, and some people would even mock us and insult our works more.

Either way, no matter how much my future mods could be loved, no number of downloads and likes can make up for the disrespect of some people, and I would rather give my stuff to a few deserving people than keep encouraging this behavior. It's not about popularity, after all.

I will always have a LOT to create for the community. I was planning to move to rendering/comics/animatics anyway, using my own 3D models. I am also willing to still collab with modelers/modders, and to share my models with some known MMD makers that i can trust. And many of my content, for years to come, will still be genshin-related. So follow me on my socials? >.<

I aim to become immortal and keep forever gifting the world. My quest continues ;)

(btw yes, this patreon will be closed)



I'll miss you, but I totally understand. People suck.

baibai zhi

Arca does?Which Korean forum is restricting foreigners from? Very bad!


'By "stealing", I mean redistributing and showcasing without credits' So you're trying to define 'stealing' while stealing models and textures from other game developers without permission and customizing them for distribution? That's really funny!


btw the models Ani uses are OFFICIAL MMD MODELS released PUBLICLY AND FOR FREE so that people CAN FREELY USE THEM get in your tiny clown car and get out of here 😭 nobody gaf about your comment section essays


It's sad to hear but I understand your choice of privating. Thanks so much for the amazing mods you've created for the community and wish ya luck in your quest.

Za Bee

im sad, but i respect ur decision thx for all ur hardwork, and for all great mods out there