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Some people have asked me this question, 

why sometimes have some changes when they are walking?

Or some places can see the seams

Modifying the SKIN is a bit like repainting the pattern inside the letter puzzle.

Because DD's character animation is to share same animation settings file.

If I modify it (I don't know how to modify it), it will invalidate all other SKINs.

And many characters are not suitable for drawing legs.

There is a cloak (will sway) there are a lot of separate objects

If I draw a leg on it, I will break the hole when it walk.

I mean a lot of holes.

Or he doesn’t have a thigh at all. If I draw legs,

 It will only move below the knee when he walks, which is terrible.

I just want to say.....I really tried my best.

If I can, I also want to draw the sexiest part of the character.

The time to correct the character walking animation is about 50% of all the time I spend making one SKIN. 

You don't want to see how terrible the character is when I first start testing.

So... I am sorry , bro . I hope that you can accept the imperfections inside, I will continue to work hard.




You did your best. I always appereciate your works. Cheer up!

Le Spleen


Le Spleen

像是Shieldbreaker forcelan skin這個造型的腿部走路姿勢就很漂亮,很期盼你也能創造美麗的腿部行走姿態。


ˊ W ˋ 主要是破盾他下半身是一整塊到膝蓋的,就沒有這麼鬼畜


Thanks for explaining, i asked about this too


Niur, do u plan to make mods for Darkest Dungeon 2 if its possible?


Niur, I think there is a person that knows how to alter the skeleton anims. His name is anaertailin, he's been making the Monster's Dungeon project, he also has a patreon account and he really does good work on the animations, and nice jiggle physics along with that too. Maybe he can give you some guidance or perhaps advice on where you can get started with the skeleton anims. Also, Just so you know, I don't mind you altering the skeleton animations either, I can always just make a back up version of the standard animations anytime when i want too. You really make amazing skins and I enjoy my Noel Vermillion bounty hunter kicking ass, towards those Brigand Scum! I hope this helps you to improve on where you are lacking, overall, I still enjoy the illustrations made by you. Thanks for the update as well, and I never knew you were going though this kind of labor. It made me want to you help you, but then again I don't know how to either. Again hope this helps.


Hey man never apologize for something like this you give us great skins and i am 100% happy with what you do keep up the amazing work my man.


The artwork is amazing and really sexy, for me the last mai skin was just on point on how good it is


dude your innovations to not break the character are epic, maybe have a screenshot of idles






Dont worry dude, you're doing way more than enough. Keep up the good work


Yeah, it's true your Mai skin looks a bit weird when she's walking, but it's okay, that's when she fights it really become important. ^^


personally i'd like a costume in between ip character and dd class


I know that you always were robbed your best animated works by the Ancestor and uploaded second-good works. Not your fault I know.


It’s good that you gave the explanation, this problem really worried many. You do a great job, bravo


If all the DD NPC is finished, this may be the next plan.٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶


Thank you for your affirmation and encouragement. (灬ºωº灬)


I will continue to do my best.٩(。・ω・。)و


Thank you for the understanding.。゚ヽ(゚´Д`)ノ゚。By your support,I will continue to make more versions.(。•ㅅ•。)♡


Thank you for your affirmation.இдஇI will continue to do my best.(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧


why i can't payment by Visa card?





