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This update will integrate the creative projects I will provide and determine the price.

The update will be implemented in August and the previous articles will not be affected.


  • First of all , there are no more  pixelation picture .
  • 首先,不再有馬賽克圖片了

Apprentice ($1) You can see no pixelation  picture and participate in all the votes.

學徒 ($1) 就能看到無碼圖片跟參加所有的投票

  • And then , Adventure ($3) can get all the mods.
  • 再來, 冒險家($3) 可以拿到所有的Mod

Mods contains Darkest Dungeon and other games I might do it.

Also contains the other Darkest Dungeon mods I will do next (NPC, UI, Monster)

Or maybe more skins , even new class (I hope DD 2 can be launched soon..... ORZ)

Mods 包含黑暗地牢的還有之後我可能會做其他遊戲,跟黑暗地牢的其他Mod(NPC, UI , 怪物)

或是更多的skin,甚至是新的職業(希望DD2 快點推出.....ORZ)

  •  Veteran ($5) and Master($10) not make changes ,Thank you very much for your support, love you brother. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
  •  老兵($5)大師($10) 並沒有做更動,非常感謝你們的支持,愛你 (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

Finally let me explain why the price to get MOD need changed.


This is the skin I painted at the beginning.


This is the skin I recently painted.


I believe that you can feel the change (I hope is progress)


And these changes.....而這些變化.....

Need a lot of work 需要很大的工作量

Work in every picture...in a skin 每一張圖......在一個skin裡面

The hardest part is to put these "blocks" together.

A little bit wrong, there will be bugs you have seen before.



Of course, doing this is still very fun, I also want to continue to do it.

Make a new class or animation, the software specified by Red Hook is SPINE


做新的職業或是動畫, Red Hook 指定的軟體是SPINE

This stuff costs $299   這玩意要$299

LOL~~~ (´_ゝ`)

ㄏㄏ ~~~ (´_ゝ`)

In addition, I don't know anything about the program

 (sorry, I only know how to draw pictures)(´・_・`)

If I need to do extra events or class balance, I need to entrust someone to help me with this.

另外我對程式一竅不通(抱歉我只會畫圖) (´・_・`) 


I hope that I can provide my best work for you , brother

I also hope that you are willing to believe that the value of these works is worth $3 

Thank you very much for your support. I can continue to create with you.

Love you brother. ♡(*´∀`*)人(*´∀`*)♡

我希望我能提供我最好的作品給大家,也希望你們願意相信我這些作品值 $3  



Next we will have NPC mods, which characters you want to see ?

Is it based on the original design and then transforming the gender?

Or is there a role for other game/animation that fits in?

Please leave a message below to tell me








Nightingale in FGO for sanitarium, and Friede from Dark Souls 3 for abbey would be a perfect fit




Oh, I understood. 3$ is very reasonable!


有髒圖又有的玩、夫復何求 3鎂這沒什麼問題


So, I'm gonna be made to pay more money if I want mods. I'm not exactly happy with this


I feel like $3 is pretty reasonable for how much effort goes into these. I prefer stuff based on the original, but I always enjoy things from outside the game being added. I’ll be upgrading to the new price, but for those wondering, will they still be released on Nexus?


I'd like to continue supporting as long as there's a possibility for more versions like Microbikini/Pregnant etc...


3$ is nothing for your masterpiece work and i also going to update my profile in the next month. And NIUR u all ready proved that your work worth every coin for me. DD is now far more every moment with your art. So i wish u good luck with your work and I really hope we enjoy your submissions for a very, very long time...


Please don't get me wrong here, I do enjoy your work and am absolutely willing to pay for it. That being said, I have a hard time justifying 3$ a month and here is why I say that. For 3,99$ you can buy the Shieldbreake DLC, which is an entire class with unique skills. animations, graphics and the like. If I am now asked to pay 3$ a month for skins (and maybe eventually new classes) I have to expect a lot more content than is currently delivered. Again, please don't get me wrong here, I am willing to pay and I know how much work goes into making these high quality skins. What I am saying is, that you maybe ending up putting a lot more pressure on yourself to deliver three times the content by trippling the price. It's a psychological thing, once a price is established it becomes very hard to justify changing it. Edit: I would also like a clarification in regards to what the new 1$ tier really gets access to now. ATM I feel like nothing at all and only a look at the shiny toys is something I feel should not have a price tag at all.


Your opinion is correct In terms of cost-performance ratio, the independent creator's cost-performance ratio can never match the products of companies. So I hope to seek support on patreon. Patreon allows me such an independent creator to provide unique content and then try to live a little longer . I set this price is my subjective assessment of my own workload on this creation. Of course you can choose not to agree or feel inappropriate, which is normal . I can only say that because of your support, I can continue to create, thank you. The Apprentice tier is mainly used for the audience of other platform illustrators. On other platforms (PIXIV) my adult illustrator need to pixelation because of the community website policy, I hope to let them use the lowest price to see my illustration. Thank you very much for your comments , bro .


沒事的 大兄弟 你拉我入坑了 我伴你到我破產那一天 如果你會有角色慌 不知道挑誰話 可以找一下大FATE系列 也希望哪天 你可以提供更鬼畜的圖給我們用啊 至於有啥軟體需求 看看開開 paypal吧 搞不好有不少人有意願額外贊助啥的


Needs more skins with blowjobs


I have satisfied to your artworks until now, and I will patron you gladly as long as I feel worth to your things. Cheer up, NIUR!


I think I can pay more. Although I really hope there will be more skins. I think I can pay more. Although I really hope there will be more skins. Mods on the NPC is also looking forward to. (With long hair of course) And I got the idea of a skin for a Bounty Hunter. Its Baiken from Guilty Gear (she is very suitable) if you want to make a new skin for it, of course. I hope you are fine. I really like your creativity.)




I understand. Do what you need to.


3 a month isn't too bad at all, honestly. These are pretty good mods, and if you're willing to do more in the future then that's good. I really enjoy your work and look forward to more. As for a NPC that could get modded I think it should be a popular one that you see a lot during the game...so maybe the church or the tavern? I'd probably pick the tavern since you're always throwing so many people in there. Especially if you have a bad run. I vote for tavern gender swap! :D Tan tavern lady!




也許可以像隔壁的某些朋友 把STEAM工房的角色作品(正常向)改成R18?


ˊ W ˋ 這需要有原作者的同意,直接拿來改不太好(各方面的)




Thank you for your understanding ! 。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。


200% Worth it and even more with that speed. Jesus! Great work.


Yes , I will still released them on Nexus , I will comply with the rules by Red Hook .


If DD2 has not yet been released, all versions are possible.....


Hey , really glad you say that , thank you ! 。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。




I originally Vestal planned to draw, but I have recently caught a cold..... I should slowly add other versions.


NPC with long hair is no problem at all (ノ>ω<)ノ


Thank you a lot for your understanding ! (*´∀`)~♥


I think I will draw all of them : the original character design transfer / other IP role


I am very grateful that you are willing to say this. (♡˙︶˙♡)


To infinity and beyond! We are with you)


Hello... Thank you for nice work. I used a translator. There can be a rude expression. I ask for your understanding. Your hero skins see lines and cracks when standing or walking. In every hero skin, this problem only happens in your skin. I said it before. Can't you fix this? I've been supporting ten dollars so far, but this problem got on my nerves and changed it to five dollars. I'm considering going back to original if you can't fix this. I like your hero skin. Because it is most erotic than other skins. But I feel bad when the price of my sponsorship comes back to low quality. Is this really your best?


Seems like there is no word to say about my $10 per month. Shut up and take my money&attention as usual. Sincerely, your fanatique.

Chodark the Hungarian Seagull King

I'll gladly pay $3 a month for the high quality content you make, you're one of the best modders for Darkest Dungeon! Also I think the next thing you should work on would either be new skins for the Towns People or Enemies, all the Heroes have a skin, so maybe something different.


The principle of modifying these skins is more like body painting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWagNY4qFnw Draw a new pattern on the original pattern The original block is like XXX.sprite.walk.png (You can see that he is put together by those pieces.) There are very thick black lines around all the original blocks. The skins of other creators will not have these lines and cracks if they follow the original shape. My skin has completely changed the original shape, because I painted a completely different character like the body painting. So I have no way to edit this, I can only try to make this situation not obvious, but as long as it is changed to a completely different character, this situation will definitely appear.


Can we have monsters before town npc ?


I'm willing to donate more than $10 if your work quality can increase or increase. And I want a hero with a skin motif with another character to have a skin that looks similar to the original.


+1 monsters!


Well, 3$ to me is reasonable enough, at least w the amount of content you provide


The effect of the monster is worse than I expected, and it is not good to test...


I will continue to work hard to increase the quality of my work.


my vote's for monsters if at all possible

John Smith

If it's going to be $3 can you at least provide a nude version without the cum/tentacles then? Otherwise I respect your decision.






用了大大的DD mod, 感覺挺鬼畜的。非常期待新版的MOD, 所以支持了一下。繼續加油~!


so no more mods for the $1 tier huh?