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Bros !  I plan to change jobs to a freelancer in may ! Σ(゚ω゚)

大兄弟們 ! 我打算在五月的時候轉職成自由業 Σ(゚ω゚)

Since January, I average sleep only four hours a day . in order to keep updating . (›´ω`‹ )

自從一月以來,為了持續更新我平均一天只能睡四小時  (›´ω`‹ ) 

Really , when you draw to 4 am and  8 am have to work ,You can understand: life is a torture .


I have to choose, or I will be tired to death, and I chose you , bro . d(`・∀・)b

我必須選擇,不然我會累死的,而我選擇了你們  d(`・∀・)b 

I expect a big update in May , (ノ>ω<)ノ

expect every Tier can get more benefit , Here are my initial ideas, please let me know if you have other ideas. (ゝ∀・)

預計會在五月實施  (ノ>ω<)ノ ,以下是我初步的預估,如果兄弟們有其他想要的歡迎提出,會統整之後加入到大更新裡面。 (ゝ∀・) 

 Tier 1 

  • As usual, you can see the illustration and download SKIN.
  • 和以前一樣能看到插畫跟下載SKIN
  • Votes and processes have more  benefit so moves to other tier
  • 投票和過程現在有更多權利於是移到其他層

 Tier 2 

  • Added "Next Works Vote" 
  • 新增接下來要那些內容的投票
  • No mosaic picture(as usual)
  • 無碼插圖(和之前一樣)

for example :

Want more SKIN or more illustrations ,even more animations (I expect to learn SPINE and After Effect)

Which IP do you want (LOL or DD or OW or any IP you want)

舉例來說 :



 Tier 3 

  •  Contains previously added  benefit   
  • 包含上層新增的權利
  •  Added "Process record" , "Modification possible"
  • 新增過程記錄,並且可以提議修改
  • Share drawing brushes and tips (if you want to know)
  • 分享畫圖筆刷跟技巧(如果你們想知道的話)
  • Hi-Res art work(as usual) 
  • 高清原圖(和之前一樣) 

 for example : 

Process will be uploaded with the degree , Can see the production process and suggest changes (even add an extra version)

 舉例來說 : 


 Tier 4 

  • Contains previously added  benefit   
  • 包含上層新增的權利
  • Decide the role/posture/situation
  • 決定角色/姿勢/情境
  • PSD  package (as usual)  
  • PSD 原圖檔 (和之前一樣)  

After deciding which IP , Tier 4 can decide which roles to play,

What kind of posture or what kind of situation

All content can be customized ! As your command!

決定好IP之後, Tier 4 的大佬可以決定要畫哪個角色/那種姿勢/要怎樣的劇情之類的


The subsequent process is expected to be:

Decide IP voting (tier2&more) > Decide content(tier4) > Process modification (tier3&more)  > Complete (tier1&more) 

之後的運作過程預計是 :

決定IP投票 (tier2以上)  > 決定內容  (tier4) >過程修改 (tier3以上)  > 完成(tier1以上) 

This is just my initial plan. If there are other more desirable benefits, please let me know.


這只是我初步的想法,要是有其他更想要的方案麻煩告訴我 (`・ω・´)

The following is the plan report


Ahri illustrator is in production 阿璃已經在畫了prprpr.....

Kaisa commission suspension 凱莎的委託目前暫停

next porn skin will be man at arms and occultist


SFW SKIN plan update to Steam workshop

好孩子SKIN預計會上傳到 Steam workshop 

Then I think I am dying.( ×ω× )

然後我覺得我快死了( ×ω× )




第四層建議你再想一想喔 不然會被操死


Give it your best, your works are great :)


Can you change - Tier 3 can get DD skin PSD? Anyway i interesting about - Share drawing brushes and tips


chear up! you can do it!


恭喜轉自由業w 盡力而為去做就好,千萬不要勉強去硬做,傷了身體就不好了 加油!你的生命維持算我一份((咦??


Stay strong!


Hope it works out, your art is very good so I'm sure you'll be fine. Looking forward to your continued efforts. :)


its Ma'am at arms


Thanks for all your work! Have you ever thought of modding the enemies in Darkest Dungeon, too?


Also I like your SFW skins a lot. I like your style but I usually prefer sexy skins rather than porn skins. Thanks for all you do!


I understand that you will be focussing on only one category, either league, dd etc. but can we expect one of the dd skins this month ? I only just recently decided to plege so I'm not familiar with how long your work takes. Keep up the good work !


Love you DD skins! Can't wait for the safe for work versions, since i edited myself yours as best as i could (For personal use ofc).


Sure we will have more than one DD new SKIN ! The average is about 3/month


Hey, just recently joined, but so far I've been impressed with the DD skins. Here's hoping for the best to you U w U.