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Hey guy's , just checking in.  Planned to drop a few pics this week, but my back seems to have other plans . Been giving me absolute hell man, starting to think i may need to see a professional . If anyone has any tips or advice let me know because this is honestly getting really upsetting.




I’m so sorry, I wish I had good tips for back pains 😫! I don’t know if wearing a brace might help, like the ones you could find in a Walmart? It might give some added support, but if you are able then I would absolutely recommend finding a health professional to consult with 🙏🏾! Advil and other pain meds can only do so much 😑...


Thank you, i've started doing Yoga and it's doing wonders for me so far lol .


Me: Oh awesome!! I’m happy to hear tha— Also me: Omigodhisbarefeetmustlooksosexywhenhedoesyoga 🥵🥵🥵


Haha that's how our mind works man lol Always thinking about tha soles 😆