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   I'm usually a pretty private person so i don't really ever talk too in-depth about personal issues unless asked directly.  But something i've been struggling  with for a  number of years, or ever since i started doing graphic art is the psychical pain from attempting to find a position to draw in . I don't know if it's a common issue or not in the community but it's plaque me for years . I've purchased countless items trying to find a way to become more comfortable to no avail. 

I was able to work through it before but as time has gone on it's become more and more difficult .The fact is i need to invest in a better chair . I attempted to do that in the past but chose flash over substance and has suffered ever since. 

It's honestly been a really frustrating experience , wanting to create but suffering to do so all the while on able to express what i'm dealing with. 

I know i've let a lot of you guy's down by not being consistent but i want you guys to know that it wasn't coming from a place of laziness or neglect. It's just i didn't really know how to explain this and  usually keep things to myself .

Anyway i'm happy to get this (off my chest).



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