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So I've been reading some research on terms and making audios trans friendly, and I also wanted to add welcoming yall to some dialogue to the mix!

The research I've reviewed is some WONDERFUL work compiled by folks on reddit. You can read them below

Transfemme Listener Survey 2024 Results

The Experience of Transgender Listeners On r/GoneWildAudioGay

I'm nonbinary so I can only speak from my own experience, and I tend to be pretty flexible with my own terminology. So doing extra research felt very necessary here.

Now, one thing that has kinda thrown me off after reading this, is I see a lot of people talk about audios being more friendly for trans folks, but based purely on these results, it seems like one could use the same script for an F4F with specific genital mentions (pussy/clit) and most trans women could still enjoy, and vice versa for an F4M audio for trans men.

I've seen, however, that it can come down moreso to other descriptors. Such as, a reoccuring comment trans men and trans mascs have shared in my comments about not liking audios describing them as big or tall (or as having big dicks). Or sex positions that would be simply inaccessible with different anatomy.

Anyway, I want to hear from yall about things that you like that I've done so far, anything that you might've not, and any feedback you have on this! Currently what I'm taking away is;

If the position could be accessible for anal sex, most (not all) pre-op trans women could still enjoy an audio describing their genitals as a pussy, and clit. (bonus question on that assumption; so would that mean missionary would be axed, or is it still in game?)

And, if the description is vague enough that it could refer to either holes, (most) trans men could still enjoy audios around bottoming and audios that describe their genitals as a dick.

If anything seems off, or not included that's important there, let me know! Obviously for the sake of work flow, this would be ideal, so my audios could have more diverse appeal without having to record completely separate audios for trans folks. But, also, it is really important to me for my audios to be trans inclusive as you folks are my community and I really enjoy having you here.

Thank you for your time! Hope you enjoy the discussion




For me, if an audio is just tagged "F4F", then I'm generally going into it imagining 'listener' as a cis woman, and references to pussy/clit feel natural. I don't find that any worse of an experience than a combo script that avoids genital mentions. I do think I would be thrown by equivalents to that transmasc feedback, e.g. making a deal about listener's large breasts, but I've never heard an F4F do that. For affirming stuff, one thing I've found very affirming in audios is compliments on outfits or underwear. It's something I've worked hard to achieve IRL, and something guys rarely ever hear, so it feels pretty good to me.


Honestly as a Trans Woman this may seem weird but I would love audio where I the listener am pregnant with our child. I have a major kink to be a mommy. But Not like a mommy like a dominant if that makes sense like I wanna have babies for my wife.