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Regarding the next update, I had originally planned to post at least one illustration this month.

But I have caught the COVID-19 and I am not in a position to concentrate on the work, so I will not be able to post the next update until next month. My apologies to those of you who have been waiting for updates!

I had a lot of things on my plate until the middle of the month, and I was completely counting on the end of the month to be free, and then Covid brought me down, so I blame my lack of planning. I'm dreaming of a life with more time to doodle and create artwork as I go.

For now, I would like to get back to my original pace of by the new year holiday season as soon as my health recovers.

By the way, my fever has almost settled down, and now I have a headache and fatigue, but above all, I have a cough and a sore throat that will probably last for quite a while. I wish now that I had prepared more throat care in preparation for the sudden need for home treatment…

As for the contents of the next update, at the stage where I am in the middle of creating, I am planning to create 6 images with multiple poses in one image.

Originally, I planned to post the first 3 images in November and the second 3 images in December, but I will change both of these to December.

I will make the first half available to everyone, including an apology for the delay in notification to those who supported this month.

The first image is complete, so I'll post it as a teaser.

I' ll give you the details of what kind of character and the content when it is completed...

The final version will include some dialogue.

I'm not used to writing about my own recent activities, so this is not a coherent article, but anyway, I hope you are all doing well!



Hope you have a quick recovery!


Hopefully you will feel better soon. Take all the time you need to recover and come back with new energy and inspiration. All the best to you!


Thank you. Now that I'm all better, I can give my all to the creative process again!


Thank you. I now have a bunch of ideas in my head that I can't wait to bring to fruition!