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The titular "Fool", Pere is a creature of a corrupt king's court. When that king is slain and a familiar-faced usurper takes his throne, Pere must contend with clashing factions, including the former king's ambitious daughter and strange dignitaries, to keep the realm at peace, and most importantly in their eyes, keep themselves out of harm's way.

Pere (they/he/she) plays the part of the Fool well but his real nature is a mystery. They are known to be frivolous, jovial, spiteful, and at times, dangerous.

Pere the Fool's design is a fun one because not only do I get to draw ridiculously detailed jester outfits but Pere has quite the wardrobe so while this is her "default" garb, you are sure to see a variety of outfits for a variety of occasions!

The King, The Fool is a fantasy comic and novel project that is part political thriller, part romance, part tragedy, and is currently in development.



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