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Hey guys, I've been trying to do more to make this place work your donations, so, I was thinking of changing the structure a little, and making 30 dollar tiers get a personal audio each month. I'd love some feedback on this. Now what would this mean for the 50 dollar patreons? Well that's where I'd need your help.
Please give me any suggestions you may have!




As a $50 patron, I wouldn’t mind, so long as we had access to personal audios as well! Thanks again for all the wonderful audios~!


Perhaps for 50 dollar patreons, personal audios PLUS a pull from "The Twistery Grab Bag" which further plays on the "personal" theme? "The Twistery Grab Bag" could contain authentic and fully licensed bits of DaT's hair, cell swabs from your inner cheeks (DaT holds the right to choose which cheek), half-eaten pocky, retired bandaids, a used napkin from your dinner, or even old baby teeth! On another note, thank you so very much for the care and attention you put into the quality of your work. You are a dark and gleaming gem in this Hellscape humanity calls "The IntraWeb".