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I only found out today that a fellow autistic creator I have long admired is apparently in a very tough spot. Having moved from his home state to Oregon, he now cannot afford to move back, is suffering a variety of smaller hardships related to that (He moved out here expecting to be able to find a programming job, I surmise) and generally it's a bad situation, dark times for Uli.

As deeply as I appreciate your support, if you must make a choice between supporting me or Uli, I would sincerely rather you support Uli. If you can afford both, awesome, but many of you probably know him from way back, from his Bubsy videos and the 2012 documentary, so I'm willing to bet you feel as strongly about his wellbeing as I do. Here's his Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ulillillia/posts

Sorry to ask anything of you fine folks, having not put out any content recently. There's more reason for that besides the AC install that you'll hear about shortly.


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