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Sorry for being a day late! The drill bit on my hole saw broke, you'll see in the video. Also sorry about the low resolution, I had the render settings set incorrectly. On the upside the actual process of adding water tight docking collars to both habitats went about as smoothly as I could possibly ask for. Stay tuned for details about the upcoming contest! 


Hampture Update for 2/15/2019: MADE TUNNLES

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hampture Subscribestar: https://www.subscribestar.com/i-chose-hampture Newproject2: https://newproject2.com/hampture/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HamptureI Blogspot: http://hampture.blogspot.com/ Sorry for being a day late! The drill bit on my hole saw broke, you'll see in the video. Also sorry about the low resolution, I had the render settings set incorrectly. On the upside the actual process of adding water tight docking collars to both habitats went about as smoothly as I could possibly ask for. Stay tuned for details about the upcoming contest!


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