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Rias hummed in response to me telling her that Ashley’s story was her own to tell. She was clearly still curious but she restrained herself because she knew I was right. A silence fell between us as I waited for her to respond with something. I did not have to wait very long as she soon responded.

“ I know you have your trust issue Prince-san but you can trust me. I can’t leave a fellow otaku in such dire straights.” Rias announced with a teasing smile on her face at the end. I cracked a wry smile back at her. She may have been joking for the most part but I could tell she really meant I could trust her. 

“ I do have trust issue…” I replied quietly as I looked over at her. She gave me an understanding look. I have healed a lot over the course of these two years but I still found trusting others hard. I still have not told Ashley most of my secrets and I really should have. I was going to do that so it was not too late for that.

“I will try to change that Rias-san and something in my gut tells me you are someone worth trusting,” I spoke out with a bright smile. I would have to try to trust others if I wanted to change. 

Rias was certainly someone worth trusting as far as I was concerned. Pyrrha as well even if we did not get off to the greatest start. Then there was Ashley and while she was not the most mentally sound I knew I could rely on her when things got rough. I did not know enough about Argo to deliver a definite reading as all I knew about her was she cared for her fellow humans despite her greed. 

Izumi on the other hand was a weird one. I was not sure if I could rely on him if things got tough he just seemed so fragile in comparison to the others. I guess he was the most normal person out of everyone in the chat group so I should not be too harsh on him. I just had a rather poor opinion of the guy in which he shared the same poor opinion of me.

“I’m glad you feel like you can trust me Prince-san. I will prove to you that I am someone worth trusting.” Rias announced with an embarrassed smile on her face. She was not expecting me to trust her so much right off the bat. She knew my story now and she knew why I was not so trusting. So her receiving my trust from the get go was a rather direct compliment.

“I have no doubt about that,” I muttered out as I quietly watched her. She was someone who would stand by you as the world burned around us. Granted that state of being was for the person she loved but I was sure she would treat her friends equally well. It was just not in her nature to hurt those she held close.

She once again blushed as she took in my muttered comment. It was not like I was trying to hide that comment if I had I would have left it in my mind. 

“So tell me about yourself. I want to know more about Rias Gremory.” I spoke out softly as I wanted her to open up as well. She might not show the same level of openness but it would be nice to know more about her. I only knew what the anime showed me about her. She was not the main character so most of her thoughts and feelings were hidden from me. All I knew about her was some of her traits and her backstory for the most part.

She seemed startled by my sudden query. I guess I was being rather forward but I wanted to know more about the girl before me. Her thoughts, opinions, feelings, and the things that drove her. 

“There is not much to tell honestly.” She muttered out as she looked away from me. She did not seem like she was hiding her past from me but more like she felt her past was not worth telling. It was a ridiculous sentiment but one I would expect from her. She was used to hiding her own sorrow from others as her friends had it way worse in the end.

“I’m interested in hearing about it none the less,” I spoke out with a light smile on my face. She gave me a measured look before she nodded slowly.

“Well, if you want to know more about me that’s fine. I’m a devil and I am the only heir to the Gremory family.” She spoke out with pride on her face. I knew that for the most part so I gave her a calm smile. I did not mean to belittle her family but her family was probably the least interesting thing about her.

She seemed confused about my lack luster reaction. I guess she was used to her family name being held in reverence. She seemed to clue in on the fact that I would have no idea how big a deal her family was.

“The house of Gremory is a noble family in the underworld. We are ranked at the highest level of Duke. In addition, my brother has been elected to the position of Lucifer.” She spoke out again with the same amount of pride. I was once more not impressed. I had dealt with enough nobles braggin' about their families for a life time and while hers is certainly something worth bragging about it was not what I wanted to know.

“That's good to know Rias-san but I did not ask about the Gremory family. I wanted to know more about you.” I spoke out calmly as I looked over at her. Hearing my comment she deflated before a blush started rising from her. It was a subtle thing but she was clearly slightly redder than she was before.

“Right, my mistake.” She spoke out quietly. While I did not want to know about her family I got why she chose them as the first thing to talk about. I was sure all anyone wanted to know about her for the most part was her family. She was the heiress but that title was not a representation of the girl that stood before me.

“Well, I like anime I like Shoujo manga in particular and I like cooking.” She spoke out quietly with a far less confident tone. She seemed unsure about what she should say about her self.

“ I think the anime lover part was fairly obvious my fellow Otaku,” I spoke out softly with a teasing smile on my face. Again she started to grow a bit redder but she recovered quickly.

“This is a lot harder than I thought it would be Prince-san.” Rias spoke out with a pout on her face. I let out a light laugh at that as the sight was rather cute.

“It shouldn’t be Rias-san. You don’t have to force yourself Rias-san just tell me what you want to tell me about you. What I have learned so far has been great.” I spoke out softly as I looked over at the fidgeting girl before me.

“I would have never expected someone from a noble house to enjoy cooking. Then again I never thought an otaku would come from a noble house either.” I spoke out idly as I once again teased her. She gave me another pout at that.

“Cooking is a perfectly respectable hobby.” She spoke out with that pout still clear on her face. My teasing smile widened further as she did not say anything about her Otaku hobbies. She clearly knew that those were far less respectable. But who cared about those things in the long haul? You should do what you want no matter what the world thinks about your actions.

“I get that Rias-san just not something I would expect. One day you have to show me how good of a chef you are. I’m warning you now I'm pretty skilled in that area myself so you should expect some criticism.” Again I spoke out with a teasing smile on my face. Cooking was pretty easy for me as I had exceptional knife skills so I took up the hobby before. Granted I mainly took it up because I thought it would have impressed Lily back than.

“Well be prepared to have your socks knocked off!” She announced with a smug look on her face. I was unsure if it was a false bravado. I think I recall something in the anime about someone having horrible cooking skills but thinking they were first class. I was just unsure if that trait was one of Rias’.

“Other than those hobbies. I like hosting tea parties and making models.” She spoke out with a contemplative look on her face. She was clearly trying to think about stuff that was interesting about her.

“You make models?” I questioned lightly. I did not think that would be one of her hobbies. She nodded swiftly and reached over and grabbed my arm dragging me to another part of the room. 

“Behold my greatness and appreciate the final stage of Otakudom making your own merch!” She announced brightly as she showed me a glass cabinet filled with models. I gave the models a look over and some of them were really impressive even if I knew nothing about the anime they came from. On the other hand some of them were clumsily made and clearly hand crafted.

Again it was a cute sight. She kept all of her models even the ones that would be considered failures by others. It did not matter if they were ugly all that mattered was she made them to appreciate the anime she was watching. This told me she held a sentimental affection for those ugly models and that she was not afraid of her own failures. It was these small details that told me the type of person she was and I was already feeling better about getting closer to her.

“These are great Rias-san.” I spoke out softly as I looked over at her with a smile gracing my face. The bravado she was displaying faded and she fidgeted slightly at my compliment.

“Thank you. It took me ages to get the arms right. You can see that Tasuki-chan arms are too short for her body.” She spoke out excitedly as she pointed out one of the models that looked okay at first glance. Now that she mentioned it I could see that her arms did not exactly fit her body but she was being a bit harsh on herself it was fine for the most part.

Seeing my interest in her models she went on a rant explaining her techniques and faults with excitement clear on her face. She was not really giving me time to pipe in but that was fine. I may not want to know these things but the excitement on her face and smile was enough to interest me.

There was just something fascinating about watching someone talk about the thing they loved. I guess I got why Narcissa brought up those potion advancements to me even if she had no interest in them. If I had half of the excitement Rias had on her face I got why she wore that indulgent smile on her face. I was wearing a similar one on my face as I watched the girl before me bable.

She went on and on about the models for a rather long time. I could only recall every other sentence as I was too busy looking over at her glowing with happiness. Eventually, she caught on that she was babbling as she paused mid sentence. She then looked over at me with another embarrassed look on her face with a blush growing on her face at the sight of my indulgent smile.

“Sorry, I got a little too caught up.” She spoke out quickly with the blush rising rapidly on her face. She was really embarrassed about what just happened but I just laughed lightly at her. Hearing my laughter she shot me a pout which increased my laughter slightly.

“It’s not funny,” She spat out with the same pout clear on her face. With that I let my laughter dye as I gave her another soft smile.

“I get it. When you get caught up in your interests you lose your self. I’m guilty of the same Rias-san so there is no need to apologize. “ I spoke out softly with a bright smile on my face. She took in my words which lightened her pout but it was still on her face.

“Besides watching you explain your hobbies with such excitement was a lovely sight Rias-san. If you did not stop I would have been fine listening to you rant all day.” I let out lightly with an indulgent smile on my face. Rias froze for a second with the pout falling off of her face and her gaining another embarrassed look. She was also back to getting redder.

She then looked away from me and looked around the room as if trying to find something. She stopped as if she found the thing she was looking for but all she was looking at was the ceiling.

She then looked over at me nervously.

“You said you wanted to practice using your Sacred Gear right? So let’s go right now!” She announced with the embarrassment still on her face. She then reached for me to drag me away again but I motioned for her to stop. She paused her reaching with an embarrassed and confused look on her face.

“We have all the time in the world to practice Rias-san but I wanted to know more about you and we have just started,” I spoke out with a smile on my face. Again she seemed to freeze for a moment before she started to get even redder. 

“Oh.” She muttered out as she retracted her arm. She then fidgeted by herself as she tried to decide what to talk about now.

“I’m not really sure what to say. I already told you about my hobbies.” She spoke out softly with an embarrassed look on her face. Again she looked lost about what she should bring up. 

“I don’t mean to pry but there should be other things about you Rias-san. Your hopes, dreams, fears, or anything that falls between.  You could even open up about things that are troubling you. I know you might not trust my help but I am fairly competent so I could be a big help.” I spoke out lightly with a calm smile on my face. I did not want to pry but I knew there was a lot on her mind. 

“You don’t have to help me Prince-san. Don’t get me wrong I am sure you would be helpful but you don’t need to do that for me. I got it handled.” She spoke out with a slightly smaller smile. I was sure she was more than capable of solving her issues but it was not about her being able to handle it her self. It was about her trusting me with those issues so I could do something about them.

“I am sure you are more than capable of handling it Rias-san you are a member of the Chat Group after all. It’s just I want to help you.” I spoke out softly trying to get my point across. The small smile on her face grew slightly on her face. She may not understand why I was doing what I was doing but she got the sentiment. 

“If you want to Prince-san, I would be fine with your help.” She spoke out softly with a wistful tone appearing when she said my name. I had a theory about that tone but I was not totally sure about it.

“The biggest problem in my life was my engagement. My parents forced me into an arranged marriage and I hated the guy who was supposed to be my husband.” She spoke out with a bitter tone that faded quickly as she tried to hold back exactly how much that issuer hurt her. Again I got it she was used to hiding her pain from others.

“You have honestly helped a lot already Prince-san. With you messing with that dufus you got my parents off of my back. With the abilities the Chat Group gave me, I can beat him in a rating game and finally break the contract.” She spoke out with hope clear on her face. She was confident on beating Riser in the rating game but she was holding herself back for other reasons.

“Well the Chat Group can offer a lot of power so beating him in a fight should be easy. You should try to use the Gacha to increase your abilities.” I spoke out trying to offer some advice. She looked nervous for a second and looked away from me.

“I was saving my points to buy the manual name changer.” She admitted with embarrassment radiating off of her. I rolled my eyes at the waste of points but she did not need to spend those points to beat Riser.

“It’s just a username Rias-san,” I spoke out mildly as she shot me another pout.

“I don’t want new members of the Chat Group knowing about that name.” She announced with an embarrassed look clear on her face. I let out a sigh as she was free to spend her points on that if she wished. Still, her efforts were probably going to end poorly Ashley was always going to tease Rias about her username it not being there won’t stop future members from knowing about it.

“Alright if that’s what you want than you don’t have to spend the points. We can take care of your engagement in other ways. You said this was an arranged marriage? That means your family must be benefitting from this in some way right?” I questioned with a plan already blooming in my head. She nodded hesitantly at me.

“I am sure you can beat him up in a fight but that won’t stop your family from making another contract or guilting you into marriage with the guy anyway. You would have to spend the rest of your life with them nagging you about marriage so we need to strike at the main issue benefits.” Hearing my words she froze with a look of horror appearing on her face. She knew she was capable of beating any suitors with overwhelming might but she never took in her family guilting her into accepting. It would be emotional blackmail and not something she could fight off, it was a good thing that she was now my friend.

“Wait, wait! This is a lot to take in. “ She let out quickly as she thought over my words. Her face paling as she realized the reality of my words. The only reason she had her family off of her back in the anime was because the Red Dragon Emperor was the new suitor of their family. It was an adequate replacement for Riser.

She then seemed to realize that I was offering her a way out as she looked back at me with urgency.

“One way you can stop the marriages is finding a suitor after you beat your current betrothed.” I offered seeing her look. It was not the best solution but it was one she could take without my help if she wanted to be independent. She blanched further at the idea.

“Wait, you said something about benefits, right? So you have another idea Prince-san. You have another idea right!?” She questioned me in panic. I swear she was moments away from shaking me to get her answers.

“I do but it would require me helping you are you fine with that? I questioned lightly as I looked over at her. She took in my question and a strange look appeared in her eyes but it faded quickly as if she was reminding herself of something. She seemed hesitant to accept my help but that strange look appeared in her eyes again as she faced me with determination.

“I’m fine with that I just want to choose who I get to love.” She announced with a serious look on her face. I figured that was the route she was going to take. She wanted to choose her love which was a rather strange demand to have as a noble but this is the modern age. She also had the right to love whoever she wanted damn what her family thought but I was sure she did not want to cut ties with them.

“Alright. Since your family is benefiting from the marriage we just have to offer them something so tempting that they would drop the issue preferably forever. I just happen to be a potion master so I could cook up a potion that should knock their socks off.” I spoke out borrowing her words at the end. She looked over at me with hope on her face again and that strange look flashing in her eyes.

“I could offer potions that quite literally do anything so help me brainstorm here. Is there any issue that your society desperately needs fixing? If I offered to cure some terrible disease that should get them off of your back.” I spoke out with entirely too much confidence. I was being a bit too smug but I really could do anything given enough time. So it was not entirely uncalled for.

I knew that the devils had issues with healing and I already told her I was capable of making phoenix tears. So I was aiming at her to ask about the tears. It would be poetic irony if the thing that breaks her marriage up would be phoenix tears. She could also bring up the sleeping disease but I doubted she would. It was not that prevalent in her society.

“Fertility.” She spoke out seriously with a blush blooming on her face. I froze as that was not the response I was expecting.

“Fertility?” I questioned as if I was doubtful about what I just heard. The concept was strange one since I offered to make a potion that would do anything and she brought up fertility. Actually now that I was thinking about it that potion would be the silver bullet for Devils. 

“Birthrates for new devils are incredibly low. It is a miracle if a family can produce an heir. So if you offer to fix that my parents would offer you anything.” She spoke out seriously. She thought I did not know the gravity of fertility in the Devil race. Which she would be wrong about but I got her position.

I contemplated for a second. Did I want to waste that potion on getting her family to drop the marriage talks? I may treat Rias as a friend but did I really need to go that far for her? I could get the entire Devil race to promise me anything with that potion and I would spend it getting a girl out of marriage talks.

Fuck it. The Devil race could not offer me anything too impressive. My Alpha Stigma could steal plenty of spells from them and I had other ways of gaining wealth here. I could also get my name out there by fixing this issue. They would not be able to make the potion without me anyway. With my eyes, I could tell that her Demonic Power would not be able to do the same things my Mana was capable of. It was too unruly for the delicate art that was required for such a potion.

I was also now capable of storing my own Demonic Power. The power grew with Soul energy that had been soaked in negativity. So it was going to be rather difficult to grow it unless I wanted to start harvesting souls. The type of negativity I needed to up the power myself was way too far.

“Alright, I’ll get working on that quickly Rias-san. We should be able to get you out of those talks permanently. You will be free to love whoever you want from now on.” I announced with a bright smile on my face. She took in my words and just looked over at me for a rather long time. As the silence built I felt sweat bead down my back. Why was she acting like this? Was it something I said?

(Rias Gremory P.O.V)

Gah! You can’t fall for him that’s Ashley’s boyfriend! She will literally stab you if you do anything! She had to prove she was not that easy to seduce! Even if he just told her he would solve the issue that had been haunting her. Even if he was quite literally a charming prince that came to solve all her woes…..

Calm down Rias! You got this! You don’t think his smile is charming! You don’t love his care! You don’t want to kiss him till he forgets his name!

Oh no, she was so going to get stabbed!


Colin Hilterhaus

Will this be harem I hope so but not to manny like 2/3 Max


Love how Rias said she wasn't easy to be seduced but still fell within a few hours of meeting.